Busca de Jogador Tibia

Birthday Contest – 6 years BDT



Hiho, tibians! This May, BDT completed another year of life. It’s been 6 years keeping up with Tibians’ journey! And you get the prize!!! There will be 6 prizes divided into two missions. All submissions must be sent on our Discord. The link will be in the rules. Check out!

Birthday party

Nothing better than celebrating your birthday with a party, isn’t it? In this mission you will have to prepare a party for BDT. The celebration must be memorable! Invite your friends to the party! For this you must follow the following rules:

– You must create a party somewhere in Tibia. It can be in an open place, in a house, a Guild House;

– Remember that a party must have a decoration, food and drinks;

– Only rugs from the Store will be allowed, no other items from the Store be used;

– All other items purchased in-game are allowed;

– You must send at least one screenshot of the party preparation;

– In the final screenshot, the character must send the phrase “Happy Birthday BDT!” (the phrase should appear in the capture)

– Inappropriate language will not be tolerated;

– We will judge your creativity and not your technical level;

– Submissions that contain plagiarism will be disqualified;

– The authors of the submissions agree to have their creations published on our Social Networks;

– Please note that general Tibia rules must be followed

– Don’t forget to write down your char name and the world in your post;

– Submissions must be sent on our Discord, in the “birthday-party” tab. Link to Discord HERE

– you can send as many submissions as you can, but you can only win one prize



The music for the bard

And to liven up the party, you can’t miss the music! for that we called our friend Bard Doll from Tibiaria to sing for the guests. And he will sing your song! In this mission you must create the lyrics for the song. Remember, just the lyrics, the melody will be for our bard!! Then follow the following rules:


– You must create the lyrics for the birthday song;

– The letter must contain the words “Birthday”, “BomdiaTibia” and “Journal Shield”;

– And the lyrics should be happy, so that everyone can dance!;

– The letter must contain from 6 to 16 sentences, and from 40 to 300 words;

– The use of rhymes is not a requirement, but if you have it, it will be better!;

– Inappropriate language will not be tolerated;

– We will judge your creativity and not your technical level;

– Submissions that contain plagiarism will be disqualified;

– The authors of the submissions agree to have their creations published on our Social Networks;

– Please note that general Tibia rules must be followed

– Don’t forget to write down your char name and the world in your post;

– Submissions must be sent on our Discord, in the “birthday-music” tab. Link to Discord HERE

– you can send as many submissions as you can, but you can only win one prize



Deadline and Choice of Winners

– The contest starts on 05/16/2022, on Server Save and ends on Server Save on 06/06/2022;
– Submissions will be sent to CipSoft, where the best ones will be chosen by CM’s and administrators of other fansites;
– Winners will be announced about 10 minutes after closing.

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