Busca de Jogador Tibia





Bomdiatibia – I tried to recreate a newspaper writing room. Various books, parchments and letters.
TibiaDraptor – Zao-themed decoration, with Dragons and Drakens (Dragon Claw, Draken Trophy)
TibiaVIP – Based on the Fansite item “Dark Oracle”, I made the dark room using different types of Skulls in addition to the Crystal Ball, used to consult the Oracle.



“Fansites: BomDiaTibia, Portal Tibia and Tibia NabBot. I chose to create a medieval bar in the style of Epaminondas (PortalTibia) using the BomDiaTibia color range, a place where they can have a good time. In the second room, in the garden, the 3 fansites have been gathered. With items simulate the Journal Shield, Mini NabBot and Epaminondas, the three live together enjoying the Fansite Appreciation Day 2024. As part of the decoration I chose elements that represented the colors and essence of each fansite. Also balloons numbers that represent their recent anniversary. To the south: Tibia NabBot, using part of the golem, crystal pedestal, crystal wall, blue and orange carpets and tapestries, balloons number (8 anniv.) On east: PortalTibia represented by dwarf items such as dwarven armor, dwarven shield, beer kegs and balloons number(21 anniv.) To the north: BomDiaTibia, beautiful gold and blue items like blue sphere, gold ingot, cobra amulet and balloons numer (7 anniv.)”



I chose three fansites which are reprsented by my decoration: 1) BomDiaTibia.com – To emphasize the journalist theme I used: stacks of different kind of books, an old map, a satchel, a research records, an old tome, an inkwell, a feather and inkwell, several book pages, a crumpled piece of paper with a strange empty bucket (combined together to present a bin full of paper trash), Heliodor’s scrolls, and finally – a star carpet, because the star is really noticable part of the fansite item and logo of BomDiaTibia.com. 2) TibiaFanart.com – In order to present the side hobby of our journalist, which is various kinds of art, I used such items as: two versions of an artist’s easel, a masterpiece of a muse, a magical paint, an artist’s palette, an artist’s brush, a pretty clay statue, a portrait with Ferumbras, a vial of water, a rough marble statue, a chisel. 3) TibiaBosses.com – I dedicated the green surroundings of the house for representing TibiaBoses.com, where I created a forest full of menacing creatures known in the Tibia world as bosses. And the items I used for this were 4x Podium of Vigour. The whole creates a cohesive decoration, on which I depicted the cozy house of a Tibian journalist, who in his spare time indulges his passion – painting and sculpture. On the other hand, many adventures await him outside, including dangerous ones, such as researching and defeating bosses.



TibiaFanart.com – Using the different forms of art covered by the site and also taking inspiration from its own item, the Yeti Doll, we have an icy environment with a team of ice bosses. A wing inspired by the lands of our famous Yeti. / TibiaHome.com – The brand in the Tibian derocative world goes through this fansite led by our illustrious witch Suzy Kill and her Pumpkins also linked to the Halloween theme, inspiration for our illustrious Evora, as well as Witchbroom and Witch Hats. / BomDiaTibia – Keeping Tibian lands updated with such a popular and credible newspaper requires significant help in its creation. Here, I decided to portray the means of production of Jornal Bom Dia Tibia, from the blank page, through the printing machine, cooling, preparation, packaging and dispatch, with the help of the postmans guild and our friends at Tibia Fanart and Tibia Home.



Panther Head – representing the fan site TibiaMagazine
Yetislippers – representing the fan site TibiaBosses
Glow Wine – representing and honoring the first logo of the fan site BomdiaTibia



I present you my idea of decoration that represents three fansites. Bom Dia Tibia with Jurnal Shield is shown with the star and the letter “T”. Green background and 5 eyes are representing Bonelord Tome and the fansite Tibia Secrets. For the frame I picked ice, gold and roses reffering to Crunor’s Heart from Tibiabosses.



Bom Dia Tibia (PodCast Room) TibiaHome: Evora’s Secret Room TibiaPal: Beaver of Wisdom Retreat



First: Bom Dia Tibia (Journal Shield) – BDT Office & Library, reprented by a replic of goldens newpaper and the books Second: InTibia (The Dragon Spirit) – Dragon Treasures, represented by all the memories of a journed of killing the first dragon and your rewards Third: Tibia Bosses (Crunors heart) – Memories of Folda’s frozen heart, reprented by iced things, like a frozen hearths, flowers and very much ice



Fansites: I decided to represent TibiaGoals in the left side, BomDiaTibia (Giant Journal Shield) in the middle and TibiaSecrets on the right side. I interconnected some of the TibiaGoals carpets into the right side. TibiaGoals is represented by the carpets with blue, purple, pink and clouds with unicorn and moons (Luna reference). TibiaSecrets is represented by the rift carpets that include book stacks and beholder elements as also giant eyes looking for Secrets. They are both united by the Journal Shield represented by the gray and yellow/golden elements.



TibiaFanart: In the first room we have the yeti doll‘s favorite place, you can’t miss the snow and of course his favorite ice cream. The items that represent it are the yetislippers and the snow. TibiaPal: Make the beaver of wisdom‘s favorite laboratory, the items that represent him are traditional shirt and blue spectacles, which would be his laboratory coat and his glasses. BomDiaTibia: In the room on the right, I made the initials BDT and to the south I designed a room that is the recording studio to make their podcast episodes, I included two microphones created with: leather whip, obsidian Zaoan pawn and spiked iron ball, and in the middle a baking tray and starfish to simulate the Journal shield. The entire room decorated with the colors of the BDT logo.







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