Busca de Jogador Tibia



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USER: Bianca

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USER: Pochwalona

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USER: Veritas

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USER: Martyna

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USER: rubens.mtr



User: Dedeka Sapeca

Good morning, Tibia. The Easter has already begun. It’s Tibia Wiki and the bunny has come with it’s knowledge, exhaling wisdom for all. Bring your easter eggs, everyone run to Carlin, get in the line, be quick! You can’t lose this opportunity, it’s only once a year, a toast to the party! Easter is over there with it’s guardian with a protection shield, protecting the party, bringing peace to the nation! 

And the crowd get closer, everyone’s here for a single purpose, I wish it’s always been like this, everyone welcoming prosperous love. And the evil creatures, from evil they’re not anymore due to the good tibian people together for this union. 

United we will win and be more powerful and always better, destroying the hate.. With the power in our hands, we will reach the top, like a dragon’s flame, heating up our bodies. Everything you want, one day it will become reality and the bunny will protect you.. Will teach you! 


user: Elizabeth Constantin


From the Thais Lighthouse, They sent a warning that the wizard Ferumbras, Is coming to the town; Will we go through this again? This has to have an end; Is Easter going to be destroyed this time?; Oh why Easter is inside of my heart until the end of time… Oh why And from the gates of the north; Demons and Warlocks are on the front; And the city is falling down; With they destroying everything else;  Is easter done; ‘Cuz the King is  already saying goodbye from Thais; Oh why… Is someone coming or it just a lie? Finally with a “Rage of the Skies”;  A Little Bunny appeared as the sunrise; With a “Rain Coat” and a “Pointed Rabbitslayer”; Is this just because of our prayers?; He came to confront Ferumbras; And save Easter from this penumbra; He came to confront Ferumbras;
He came fight Ferumbras… “No, no…” / Ferumbras’s screaming “No, no”; Seeing citizens and their daydreamings; The Little Bunny starts thinking; He has decided and put in his “Epic Wisdom”; And fight with these demons; And some fire is going to the city field;
That the bunny defended with his “Journal Shield”; Now Ferumbras is really scared;
He never knew anyone with such dare; So he never is returning back;  And Easter is saved from the dead; Thanks to the Little Bunny



Leave the sleep and let the Easter talk, in times where the joy is above all else, listen to a little bunny tell it’s tale, don’t forget about it now, ’cause it will only be told once.. The fields were verdant and full of life, the waters were like crystals from inside the earth’s core. But then suddenly dark clouds came by, bringing despair and decay that were never heard about… ​Come, face the dark, beat the night, it will guide you through these times. Always onward ’till the end of times. Go, with your heart, full of hope, it won’t leave you alone..  Let us raise the Journal Shield !

​​​The scent of the fields will guide your path, they will bring you where darkness rests. But before we fight we must be prepared, don’t forget abo-out the hat, where wisdom itself rests… ​This epic wisdom will be your faith, making the future shine bright as a smile, now the only thing is to trust in our minds, with might wisdom and shield there’s no one who won’t yield… ​ Come, face the dark, beat the night, it will guide you through these times

​Always onward ’till the end of times. ​Go, with your heart, full of hope, it won’t leave you alone. Let us raise the Journal Shield.. Bringing down every foe somehow, keep this way, go away, I will fight ’till the end of days. Follow this dream, save Easter with a grim, travel with Easter Bunny, put an end to this madness. Come, face the dark, beat the night, it will guide you through these times. Always onward ’till the end of times. ​Go, with your heart, full of hope, it won’t leave you alone ​Let us raise the Journal Shield! ​It’s done!


user: Psykeeh

He has a thing that gets me thinking, Guardian of the Wiki and Bom dia Tibia, He has a desire and motivation, It is his mission, Guardian Rabbit, Will protect us, And defend Easter, Without anything to fear, And walking in Tibia, With his powers of action, Grab the Epic Wisdom, And the Journal Shield in his hand.

Oh Rabbit, Guardian Rabbit, Protect the fansites and follow your mission, Oh Rabbit, Guardian Rabbit..  It is impossible to forget your good heart. With wisdom and his protection, The bunny is the greatest guardian, He tries and tries to fight until victory, And remain.

Guardian Rabbit, Will protect us, And defend Easter, Without anything to fear, And walking in Tibia, With his powers of action, Grab the Epic Wisdom, And the Journal Shield in his hand. Oh Rabbit, Guardian Rabbit, Protect the fansites and follow your mission, Oh Rabbit, Guardian Rabbit, It is impossible to forget your good heart.


user:Beatrix Kiddo

My father once Told me the story.. From a noble warrior Defender of the good;
Druids of Carlin They were his guides On Easter days, From the light he came

With your hat, Shield in his hands He comes! Much more than a guardian rabbit
He comes! Carrier Of knowledge, Came in To protect us! Not just from fights
A warrior you become, In the days of peace It brought joy. With chocolates
Sweets and hope, Villains become friends, Friends become brothers! 
Guardian Rabbit… To Darashia And also Roshamuul He comes! Venore, Thais
Edron and Oramond, He comes! The clamor Will arrive to Destroy or create
Against evil Will fight And the good Will overcome!  When the night falls
The people Gather together.. The party will start And one more Adventure. 

For Bom Dia Tibia and Tibia Wiki He comes! Baskets of eggs And cakes too
He comes! Peace will Reign,  The guardian Will remain With candy Or sword
He will Guide us.



Original with pictures HERE!

Easter Hero


Level 30 and have completed the Isle of Evil Quest.

15 bar of chocolate and 1000 colored eggs.






Bunny Bonecrusher is recruiting heroes to end the threat of

Demonbunny! The terrible devil rabbit is about to break free from the dungeons and

End the magic of Easter!


To start the quest you must go to the NPC Bunny Bonecrusher who is in the

second floor of Carlin Castle between the 27th of March to the 27th of April.


Achievement “Easter Hero”.

Common: 0-5 Platinum Coins, 0-1 Crystal Coins, 0-20 Supreme Health Potions, 0-

20 Ultimate Mana Potions, 0-20 Ultimate Spirit Potions, 0-5 Demon Dust.

Unusual: Pointed Rabbitslayer, Devil Helmet, Giant Sword, Green Gem, Stone Skin


Semi-rare: Collar of Blue Plasma, Collar of Green Plasma, Collar of Red

Plasma, Carrot on a Stick, Ring of the Sky, Skull Staff.

Rare: 0-3 Silver Tokens, 0-2 Gold Tokens, Voodo Doll, Demonbone Amulet, Demon

Shield, Carrot Pedestal.

Very rare: Demonwing Ax, Skullcrusher, Bunnyslippers.

Mission 1 – Easter Spirit

Go to Carlin and talk to Bunny Bonecrusher. She will explain that something terrible is

about to happen and that Easter may be threatened. She needs you to prove

who possesses the spirit of Easter and who is well intentioned.

For this, she asks you to introduce her sisters Bambi Bonecrusher, Blossom

Bonecrusher and Busty Bonecrusher with Easter treats. You must deliver

five “bar of chocolate” for each of them.

Player: Hi

Bunny Bonecrusher: I’m desperate! Easter is in danger!

Player: Easter

Blossom Bonecrusher: Ahh … We’re in trouble! I can not reveal anything now, I do not know your

intentions! We need help from good-hearted warriors!

Player: Help

Busty Bonecrusher: Maybe you can help me, but first I need to know if you have the spirit

of Easter in your heart, are you willing to help me?

Player: Yes

Busty Bonecrusher: The candy stores in town do not have more chocolates and have not bought anything

to give my sisters, they love it! Give five bars to all of them and return,

Only then will I know that you are an ally. See you soon!

Go to all the Bunny sisters who are in the vicinity of Carlin and

chocolate bars wishing a Happy Easter, then return and

report your deliveries to Bunny Bonecrusher.

Player: Happy Easter

Bambi Bonecrusher: Wow! Thank you! I love chocolates!

Player: Happy Easter

Blossom Bonecrusher: Wow, those will not last for two days, thank you!

Player: Happy Easter

Busty Bonecrusher: Only five? Better than nothing … Thank you!

Returning to the NPC:

Player: Hi

Bambi Bonecrusher: Is the task finished?

Player: Done

Bambi Bonecrusher: You have proved yourself worthy to help me in this battle, get ready and when you are

ready to ask me for a mission again, I’ll tell you everything!

Figure 1 – Delivering the Easter treats

Mission 2 – Getting to know the story

After delivering the Easter treats to the sisters of Bunny Bonecrusher,

talk to her again. Now that you have proved yourself worthy, she will ask you to

head to Plains of Havoc and find a book in a building

abandoned (figure 2).

Player: Hi

Bunny Bonecrusher: Are you ready for your next mission, warrior?

Player: Mission

Blossom Bonecrusher: Our Easter is threatened by an evil entity called Hugo,

also known as Demonbunny, so that I explain all the details, I need you to go to

Plains of Havoc in an abandoned building and find a book for me, it contains the description

of the last appearance of the evil beast, are you ready?

Player: Yes

Bunny Bonecrusher: Great, good luck!

Head to the Plains of Havoc, and in the abandoned building use the magic

levitate to access the upper floor (figure 2) and find the book that tells the

history of Hugo’s last appearance.

Figure 2 – Finding the book

The translation of the book follows:

“We finally captured Hugo in the basement of the dungeon! The beast killed

two dozen of our members during the wild chase.

After a long and painful hunt our magicians occupied him

with some invoked dragons that distracted him long enough

to set the ambush. Now the beast is bound and

that Bardos, Uman and Banor give us the strength to keep him satiated and

harmless, using the trick the druids found. Our Aspires

will have difficulties to pass the test of Hugo, created around this


The book found relates the last reported appearance of Demonbunny,

known as Hugo, and the battle that led to his arrest. After

tell the story, Bunny Bonecrusher will reveal that he has information that

rabbit-demon is gathering the strength to break free from the dungeon and

with Easter.

Player: Hi

Bunny Bonecrusher: I see you’re back, did you find the book?

Player: Book

Bunny Bonecrusher: Ahh … There it is, I remember it as if it were yesterday … I was present in this

battle, it was terrible, scary … We were able to arrest the beast with the help of the Gods and the

powerful magicians who invoked dragons to distract the demon while casting a

capture of soul … Thanks to the Gods everything worked out and the beast was trapped in a magic seal underground

of Outlaw Camp.

Bunny Bonecrusher: There are, however, indications that the beast is building up again, the

statues of Bales no longer shine as before, a terrible population of killing rabbits is

appearing on an island near here. We found some bodies of dead rabbits in Outlaw Camp

too … Everything indicates that Hugo is back to end Easter and feed himself

good feelings that the date brings us. We need to do something, can I count on you?

Player: Yes

Mission 3 – Preparing for battle

Bunny Bonecrusher will explain to you that to face the terrible beast is

it is imperative to obtain the blessings of Bard, Uman and Banor. The three gods who

they blessed the last battle.

Player: Mission

Bunny Bonecrusher: Your first mission is to get the blessing of one of the Gods who blessed us

in the battle against Hugo, Bales.

Bunny Bonecrusher: Bales is a good and sovereign god of Tibia, who responds with great

enthusiasm for everything that is related to creation and life.

Bunny Bonecrusher: You should pray in five statues of worship to Fafnar, one of the creations of

Bales, scattered around the town of Carlin, are you ready?

Player: Yes

You will need to give use in five Fafnar statues scattered throughout the city of

Carlin, some can be found according to figure 3.

Figure 3 – Finding the statues of Fafnar

Reporting your mission:

Player: Mission

Bunny Bonecrusher: I see that it is already more centered, it is possible to see in its spirit the divine blessing,

Are you ready for the next step?

Player: Yes

Bunny Bonecrusher: It is now necessary to get the blessing of Uman, God of the Mages. Kindness,

guardian of all the mysteries of magic and endowed with an incredible intellect. Together

with Bales participated actively in the entire process of creation of the universe. Uman introduced the breed

in the arcane arts of magic and many humans followed their vocation to become

powerful wizards.

Bunny Bonecrusher: You should head to the city of the elves, in the big tree and ask for the blessing of

Uman. I hope you, God bless you.

Head to Ab’dendriel and go to the labyrinth in the west of the city, you will need

give use in the large tree in the center of the maze.

Figure 4 – Blessing on Ab’Dendriel

Reporting your mission:

Player: Mission

Bunny Bonecrusher: Spectacular! Your spirit shines! Are you ready for the last leg?

Player: Yes

Bunny Bonecrusher: In that battle, the last blessing was bestowed by Banor, the divine warrior,

created by the Gods to combat the numerous uncontrolled forces that inhabited Tibia, he

revealed as an ideal of bravery and chivalry for all warriors, was just and brave in

battles. His daughter resides in Thais, and in her veins runs the blood of the Gods, she will be able to

light your journey, your name is Elane. Go there in prayer for Banor, she will grant you the blessing.

Go to the city of Thais and find NPC Elane in the tavern south of the depot and

say “Banor’s blessing” (figure 5).

Figure 5 – Finding the NPC Elane

Player: Banor’s blessing

Elane: Your spirit is pure, my father blesses you.

Report your mission to Bunny Bonecrusher:

Player: Mission

Bunny Bonecrusher: You are full for battle and with the strength of the Gods. Your next step is to

find one of the guardians of the Passover, he finds himself on the magical island of Feyrist, Peaceful Pooka. He

you will know the next step.

Mission 4: Spreading the Easter Spirit

In possession of the blessings, go to NPC Peaceful Pooka, located in Feyrist

(figure 6). He will explain that with the blessings you will be able to face the rabbit-

demon of equal to equal, however, the chance of victory will be even greater if

if some tasks are performed.

Figure 6 – Finding Peaceful Pooka

Player: Mission

Peaceful Pooka: Bunny warned me that he would come, the terrible Hugo is about to break free, we need to act

Quick, are you willing to help me?

Player: Yes

Peaceful Pooka: Two actions will be needed to weaken you. The spirit of Hugo is linked

to the feelings of all Tibia beings, so the more people are happy and

delivered to the Passover, the weaker the devil will be. Your first mission is to talk to King.

Tibianus and Queen Eloise and ask to distribute colored eggs to all the inhabitants.

For this, go to NPC Queen Eloise at Carlin’s Royal Castle and NPC King

Tibianus in Thais and deliver 500 colored eggs to each, the eggs will be

distributed to all the inhabitants of each city, making them happy and


Player: Easter

King Tibianus: Easter is coming! Happy Easter to you, noble adventurer.

Player: Colored Eggs

King Tibianus: These eggs are to distribute? Great idea, adventurous, the citizens will love it!

Guards, distribute them all!

Player: Easter

Queen Eloise: Happy Easter to you too, my warriors loved the chocolates!

Player: Colored Eggs

Queen Eloise: Thank you, young man! Everyone will receive something this year thanks to you! We are

in debt with you.

After this, you should return to NPC Peaceful Pooka, he will be radiant

joy in seeing people with the Easter spirit and will reveal their last


Peaceful Pooka: Excellent! I feel the air vibrating with joy, everyone is celebrating! There is little left,

warrior. Are you ready for your last mission?

Player: Yes

Peaceful Pooka: There is an island south of Yalahar, called the Isle of Evil. A killer population

rabbits are developing rapidly, they are soldiers of the terrible Hugo. You should go there and

eliminate 100 of them, this will weaken Hugo’s army. Careful, it’s a dangerous mission, you’re


Player: Yes

Peaceful Pooka: Excellent! In the south of the island there is a chest containing the key to the hiding place of

Hugo, do not forget to get it.

Go to Kazordoon and find the NPC Rapanaio, ask him to take you to the

Isle of Evil (you will need to have completed the Isle of Evil Quest). Arriving at

island, eliminate 100 killer rabbits and head south to the island (figure 6) and find

to “the carrot of doom” the key to access Hugo’s hiding place.

Figure 7 – Defeating the Killer Rabbits

Figure 8 – Finding “The Carrot of Doom”

Return to NPC Peaceful Pooka and report your mission:

Player: Mission

Peaceful Pooka: Extraordinary! Now we are ready to put an end to this devil!


Player: Yes

Peaceful Pooka: May the Gods bless you.

Mission 5 – Facing the Devil

With “The Carrot of Doom” in hand, head to Outlaw Camp (Figure 9) and

enter the hiding place When you enter the hole you will be teleported to the

boss (figure 10) and the battle will begin.

Figure 9 – Hugo’s Hideout at Outlaw Camp

The mechanics of the boss works as follows (figure 10):

1. When entering the room, there will be some spots with carrots on the floor, the

carrots vary from green to red;

2. You should only step on the green carrots if you step on the

carrot, you will be automatically teleported to

outside the room;

3. When hitting the sequence of five green carrots, Hugo will

vulnerable for 10 seconds, and you must attack it;

4. Repeat the process until you defeat the demon.

Figure 10 – Boss room

Hugo has 50,000 health points and can fight up to 700 hp per turn,

so be aware. The boss can only be defeated once by


By defeating him, you will gain the achievement “Easter Hero” and Easter will be




Original with pictures HERE!


Reward: Spiritual Charm, Friendship Amulet, and a Shield of Care.

Location: Outlaw Camp, Edron, White Flower Temple, Thais Castle and Sabrehaven.

You will face: Boars, Bandits, Minotaurs, Guard Minotaurs, Minotaurs Archer, Mage Minotaurs, Smugglers, Wild Warriors, Hunters, and other weaker creatures.

Level: 80 (recommended 120+) — Premium: Yes — Difficulty: Medium — Extras (Quest duration: Average — Group: 1)


On this special day of Passover, Norf the blessing of protection wants to pacify and strengthen some ties that are important at Easter to fun, friendship and compassion. For this he wants you to help him, starting with those who are apparently the main protagonists of these qualities.


1 Requirements

2 Method

      2.1 Pascoalizing Bozo – Fun

      2.2 Pascoalizing Outlaw Camp – Friendship

      2.3 Shifting Beyond Shoddy Beggar – Compassion

      2.4 Pascoalizing Your Spirit


Dream Essence Egg,


at least 5 types of Chocolate,

Jester Doll,

Carrots or their derivatives.


2nd mission of the Wrath of the Emperor Quest complete, if not, ask for help from any of your friends who has access to Black Bert to buy the ingredients and have 2nd Wrath of the Emperor Quest full mission to gain access to the area of the leader and merchant of magical items the Chartan and to be able to do the Bowl With Sacred Water.

and a set low level.


You can do the quests in any order, however, you must complete all to complete the quest with npc Norf.

From the beginning the mission with the blessing Norf, he is in the White Flower Temple in the south of Thais.

After meeting you ask for a mission. he will explain the mission saying he needs your help to strengthen some qualities for Easter.

Initial Transcription

Player: hello

Norf: May the art of be blessed be with you!

Player: mission

Norf: So, I have a new disciple. very well

Nice to start what I was looking for, somebody who can help me expand my abilities as lord of protection. Look servant, I am trying to share some of my thoughts about protection and the easter day is a great opportunity to start with.

As you can see, you are capable enough of those seals. First of all, I need you to go visit Bozo and help him with his beloved, Bozo is a important servant of mine, he is a master of bringing fun, good quality not just in easter day but all days, of course in proper moment.

At this point i noticed he is down, thus, lukewarm needs him back especially on this easter day.

The second step means you visit Rottin Wood in the outlaw camp, I have noticed some problems in his place nearby, and I know that outlaw camp is recognized as the place where the rabbits lives.

Lastly to show and share compassion, I need you to pay a visit to a noble beggar called Shoddy the beggar. Shoddy the beggar has been humble enough to receive some presents, thus, offer him some special things for he spend his easter day, give him some valuables, foods and a way to make him independent.

After all, report the end of the mission to me, I will be praying waiting for you to return with the good news.

may the art of bless be with you, i see you tibian.

Pascoalizando Bozo – Fun.

Bozo wants to conquer and satisfy Ariella for that, I would like you to hand her a box full of chocolates for Easter day.

Go to the court jester Bozo npc, you can find him at Thais Castle, northwest of the city, after finding him say <Hi – Norf – yes – yes>

1st Transcript.

Player: hi

Bozo: Hello my dear.

Player: norf

Bozo: So can you help me with my pain doing me favor and make my feelings go up?

Player: yes

Bozo: I would like to present my beloved ariella on this easter day and fill her bitter heart with my sugar present, can you go for it?

Player: yes

Bozo: I have been thinking about a special box of chocolates, for that, take this present box, feel it with at least 5 types of chocolates,

do not even think in put less of that, she is bitter.

Bozo: Thanks very much. bye Bye.

Fill in the box with the following types of chocolates (for example with Gingerbreadman, Chocolate cake, Bar of Chocolate, Surprise Nest) and delivery to the Ariella food merchant, it is located at sabrehaven in meriana. speak <Hello – Bozo – Present>

2nd Transcript

Player: hello

Ariella: Hello, what can you do for today?

Player: bozo

Ariella: What a funny clown wanna, I’m bitter enough to stay away from him.

Player: present

Ariella: Hmm let me see what kind of delicious he could have put on it, hmm great quantity … for piss me off!

She will refuse the first request, after which you must return to the Bozo court jester, and speak <Hi – Mission – Yes – Yes>.

3rd Transcript

Player: hi

Bozo: What’s going to be?

Player: mission

Bozo: Oh no, but she at least receive it. i think i can add some thing more funny for her bitter heart

can you find me the phoenix egg?

Player: yes

Bozo: That’s great, it could be a good present, with fire and sugar both together are great ingredients for love and present her

on that special day like tricks and treats, and i have created by myself a short limerick about the easter with some love in, can you try it for me?

Player: yes

Bozo: Once again thanks very much and bye bye.

After the third dialogue with the Bozo, he will ask to return to Ariella and deliver the favorite doll of Bozo, the Jester Doll, the Easter eggs stuffed with the fire of Bozo’s love and a poem of Limerick, say it <Hi – Bozo – Trick and Treat – Jester Doll – Limerick>

4th Transcript

Player: hi

Ariella: What’s now?

Player: bozo

Ariella: What that clown want now? turn my easter day sweater?

Player: trick and treat

Ariella: Hmm ohh, now Bozo has turned my bitter day on a funny one, yummy gummy ouch \ o /, many thanks, tell him I have appreciated it so much.

Player: jester doll

Ariella: s2. s2, I can not say he is more cute in doll hehe.

Player: limerick

Ariella: Tell him I enjoyed his order, and I finally can see some love in his treats = *.

<Ariella’s Limerick>


Happy Easter Within Tricks and Treats

For You That Shall Be The First Who Eats,

A Flamed Chocolate Egg

Fired by lovely beg,

Please Receive, Cause Is Sick How My Heart Beats.

Pascoalizing Outlaw Camp – Friendship.

Rabbits live in the fields and forests of Tibia, where they feed only bundles of grass. Often people hunt these animals, absolutely peaceful and very timid, because of their skin of which their lovers make fine clothes.

Note that this quest requires at least Mission 02 of the Complete Wrath of the Emperor or get the Bowl With Sacred Water with some of your friends.

Rottin Wood will ask you to leave the boars alive red enough for them to flee, you should look for and do this in at least 15 of them.

From the beginning to this stage going to Rottin Wood, you can find it in the Outlaw Camp south of the Jakundaf Desert, after finding it say

<Hi – Norf – Yes>.

1st Transcript.

Player: hi

Rottin Wood: Hiho adventurer!

Player: norf

Rottin Wood: So you’re my new helper, I’ve got you, I’ve noticed you, I need some help to restore some peace and friendship in outlaw camp, to start it, I need you to complete the task for me, will you do that?

Player: yes

Rottin Wood: I need you red the Boar’s life to make them flee away, about 15 of them, to give the rabbits some protection at this easter day! back here, when you complete it. Thanks for now!

After finishing, return to Rottin Wood and speak <Hi – Task>.

2nd Transcript

Player: hi

Rottin Wood: Hiho my fellow adventurer!

Player: task

Rottin Wood: You have completed a great step for our mission, now to reestablish a bond of friendship among our easter symbols, the rabbits, we need to make a ritual with them, to do that an inoffensive and familiar set is a good way to begin

set yourself with no offense for the rabbits, use the pick in the ground position and place the egg essence in the place where you wanna go for it. After that make a ritual with some thing of what they like, I suppose with carrots, and of course some vegetables specially broccoli, fruits and the most important Bowl With Sacred Water.

I trust you to make it as best as possible to make them happy and show some peace. Back here when you done.

Rottin Wood this time will ask you to dress up with a low level set as close as possible to Easter to familiarize yourself with the rabbits, such as:

<Helmet: Ferumbras Candy Hat>

<Armor: Summer Dress>

<Legs: Chocolatey Dragon Scale Legs>

<Boots: Filthy Bunny Slipers>

<Melee Weapon: Carrot of The Doom>

And then you want to do a brief recreation with the bunnies at Outlaw Camp, with the set dressed now invest in food

through what the rabbits like most, Brocolis, Carrots and Bowl With Sacred Water are rules and can not miss, then use the Pick in the desired place and position the Dream Essence Egg to gather the Rabbits. report the end of the mission to Rottin Wood saying <Hi – Ritual>.

3rd Transcript

Player: hi

Rottin Wood: Hiho fellow adventurer!

Player: ritual

Rottin Wood: So you made it !, I will mention it to Norf, have a good easter day, thanks adventurer.

Pastoralising Shoddy Beggar – Compassion.

Now for the last mission the Norf blessing wants to reinvigorate the life of a beggar the Shoddy Beggar.

To do so, go to Shoddy Beggar, which is located in Edron, west of the castle and depot, Say <Hello – Happy Easter Day – Present – Food – Precious – Mechanical Fishing Rod – Bye>.

1st Transcript

Player: hello

Shoddy Beggar: Heya fellow tibian, good to be greeted for someone.

Player: happy easter day

Shoddy Beggar: You have a great benevolence to spend some of your important time with me, I wish you in double, very happy easter day.

Player: present

Shoddy Beggar: Hehe, I am with the lucky today, very nice to be choosen among many others needy.

Player: food

Shoddy Beggar: That’s nice !, there’s a long time i do not satisfy my hunger with such delicious food.

Player: precious

Shoddy Beggar: It means no need for a long time, I will spend part of it with my other partners.

Player: mechanical fishing rod

Shoddy Beggar: That’s great, thank you so much, now I can train my fishing skill and hunt for my own meals, instead of asking house for house or wait for donators.

Player: bye

Shoddy Beggar: Thanks for all your kindness, your special presence has illuminated my dark life,

I can offer you nothing but my words, thanks very much, i’ve appreciated all your kindness, and i’ll never forget it, you’re the one, happy easter day !, take care.

Pascoalizing your Spirit.

Finally it is time to feel the compensation of the good gesture, it is time to report the missions and be pascalized.

To do this return to Norf at the White Tower Temple in Thais to receive your reward, the (Fun) in the form of Spiritual Shielding,

Friendship Amulet, and Shield of Care (Compassion), report the mission by speaking <Hello – Mission>.

Final Transcript

Player: hello

Norf: May the art of be blessed be with you!

Player: mission

Norf: That’s nice as I presumed you have done great steps to save those important qualities, i hope it survives not just for this easter day but for a long time, until i of the new fresh seals, but we did a great base to begin and hope for a renewed easter day. Now I need to present and bless you for your easter day, for that I take the fun from the first mission shaped the Spiritual Shielding, the friendship from second mission shaped the Friendship Amulet and the compassion of the third one mission as form of Shield of Care . I lord you of protection and bless your soul and I hope you keep doing good things to these missions that you have done for tibia. I wish you have a great time on your easter day. May the art of blessing be with you, see you tibian.

Congratulations, you have completed EASTER IN PEACE QUEST.

Link of images in IMGUR:

Image 1: Pascoalizing Bozo – Fun


Image 2: Pascoalizing Outlaw Camp – Friendship


Image 3: Pastoralising Shoddy Beggar – Compassion


Image 4: Pascoalizing Your Spirit



Original post with images HERE!

A Reason To Celebrate Easter QUEST


Stuffed Bunny, Glowing Carrot, Bunnybag (new item) May contain 3 of the following items: 1-2 Chocolate Cakes With Strawberries (new item – food), 20-30 Colored Eggs (assorted in yellow, blue, purple, green and red ), 30-48 Cookies, 1-2 Cream Cakes, 1 Carrot Cake, 1 Carrot Pie, 1 Bloodkiss Flower, Badger Fur (Decorative) , Bunnyslippers (very rare – possibility of 0.5% to get), Delicious Carrot (new item – mount) (rare – possibility of 25% to get), and an achievement.


Lots of places. Start at Cormaya in Dryad Gardens. Missions in Ab’Dendriel, Carlin, Folda, Green Claw Swamp, Senja, Svargrond and Thais.

You will face: Witches, Scorpions, Poison Spiders, Wasps, Amazons, Frost Trolls, Winter Wolves, Wyverns, Chakoya Toolshapers, Chakoya Tribewardens and Chakoya Windcallers.

Level: 0 (Recommended: 50)

Premium: Yes

Difficulty: **

Extras: Quest duration: Long

Frequency: Annual

Beginning: April 1

Ending: April 30

Group: 1 player

Rabbit and his wife are close to celebrating their favorite date of the year: Easter, but she has disappeared and he is desperate. What do you think this rabbit is willing to do to have the company and presence of the beloved back?

Warning: If you need to check if this quest is already complete, it is organized in the article Tibia Tales in your Quest Log.

To start this quest, meet the Rabbit NPC inside Dryad Gardens, located west of Cormaya. When talking to him, the rabbit will tell that he and his wife rabbit were preparing for Easter a few days ago and until then, suddenly, it disappeared. Because he is very weak and living in such a vast and vast world, he offers him missions and rewards to seek out his beloved. By saying “yes”, the questlog will be updated.


• Money for the trip

• Some Leaves (obtained in Voodoo Doll Quest) (new item obtained in old quest)

• Light Shovel, Saw

• Holy Orchid (obtained in Holy Orchid Quest) (new quest)

• The Ice Islands Quest’s 2nd mission

• Complete Barbarian Test Quest

• Recommended: Cure Poison, Cure Poison Rune or Silver Amulet to fight against Scorpions or other poisonous creatures found in Green Claw Swamp

Mission 1: To My Beloved Wife

Ask for a mission for Rabbit. He wants you to get some purified leaves through a crystallized water deep in the city of Ab’Dendriel. The taste of the leaves change, which makes anyone happy who eats it. The purpose of this sheet is so that, with the return of his wife, she is awarded the best possible.

To get the leaves, you need to travel to Green Claw Swamp (near Venore) and make the Voodoo Doll Quest (Rewards: Voodoo Doll (King), Magic Light Wand and Some Leaves). Be prepared to face 3 Witches.

With Some Leaves in hand, travel to Ab’Dendriel and down a ladder near NPC Faluae, right in the center of town. Go down three floors and go north toward a water trickle and use the Some Leaves in the water. You’ll get a Some Special Leaves.

Return to Rabbit and deliver the Some Special Leaves.

Transcripts: Player: Hi

Rabbit: <Sniff … Sniff …> My love is gone. I do not know where she may be.

Player: She

Rabbit: Yes. My love. Everything was ok, we were happy about the Easter … and … now she’s gone … I would do everything to be with her one more time.

Player: Everything

Rabbit: Yes … <snif …> … I’m having a thinking! Ahm … You seem so nice! Would you help me find her?

Player: Help

Rabbit: YEEESSS !!! Finally … I’m too small to this big world. Thanks for your help!

Rabbit: First, I need to compensate her with some stuffs since we’ve been so excited for Easter! It’s time to give and get !!! And I’m thinking about her comeback! What do you think about some leaves?

Player: Leaves

Rabbit: Yes! Leaves! There is some leaves in a haunted place nearby Venore … I can not remember it’s name. But it’s surrounded by witches! There you have some good leaves.

Rabbit: But you can turn these leaves into a better version of themselves! All you have to do is go to Ab’Dendriel, and in a deep cave, you can find a crystal water. It needs to be cleaned there! Are you okay with this mission?

Player: Mission

Rabbit: Ok … Thank you so much again! You are saving my Easter! I do not know, but maybe she’ll be here at the time you come back. Now … GO!

Player: Hi

Rabbit: <sniff …> <snif …>

Player: Mission

Rabbit: Woooahh! You found it! Thank you so much. My love will be so pleased! Unfortunately she’s not here …

Mission 2: Florentine And A Meadow Star

Ask for another assignment for Rabbit. He will recount that before the couple moved to Dryad Gardens, his wife used to spend her days in the presence of her human friend Florentine, who rescued her in Senja from a difficult event in her life. Florentine owns the flower shop in Carlin. He tells him that his wife decided to go with him to Dryad Gardens so they can live a life in a safer environment, away from the dangers of evil humans. The two always had a strong connection with the Meadow Star, a flower very common in Tibia, commonly found in the forest west of Carlin.

Rabbit wants you to get a perfect sample of a Meadow Star, that only Florentine knows where she has it and how to get it. His wife had a very recurrent experience with this flower, and a perfect sample for her return would be as close as she could have and feel to her friend Florentine. He asks you to go to Florentine, look for the flower and later for his beloved.

Travel to Carlin and talk to Florentine about what happened and the special request from Rabbit. She is upset about what happened and decides to help. She says that, within the town of Carlin, there is a perfect sample of a Meadow Star at the top of Queen Eloise’s castle. Because it is a very fragile plant, it must be well handled not to break or die. You must use a Light Shovel (only with a Light Shovel is possible) to be able to get the plant. If the plant goes to your inventory, you will have 30 minutes to deliver it to the Rabbit in Dryad Gardens. If the plant is not for your inventory, a message will appear in red saying “Ooohhh no !!! Looks like the flower is falling apart through the wind … “. You can try again after three days.

Go to the top of Carlin’s castle and use the Light Shovel on the floor.

When you do, go back to Dryad Gardens, deliver the flower to the NPC Rabbit, and then go on another mission.

Transcripts: Player: Hi

Rabbit: <sniff …> <snif …>

Player: Mission

Rabbit: Oh, are you helping me again? Ok, thank you so much! Now, there is a thing about a lovely friend of my wife … she’s called Florentine and lives in Carlin. She owes a flower shop and used to be my wife’s best friend. Then my wife chose to come with me to Dryad Gardens … Good memories.

Player: Florentine

Rabbit: Oh, I’m sorry … I keep thinking about those memories. Oh, you’re welcome to help me again, huh? I’m so happy with that!

Rabbit: I remember my wife telling me that the only thing that she would like is in this lovely place, it’s her hometown flower called Meadow Star. She remembered her times with Florentine, her dearest friend.

Rabbit: What I want you to do: Talk to Florentine and try to take this flower and give it to me, to give it to her.

Player: Hi

Florentine: Welcome, [Player]. What can I do for you?

Player: Mission

Florentine: Oh, so you know about my story with that beautiful and glowing rabbit? It was a good time … I miss her so much! Do you know more about it?

Player: More

Florentine: OOOHHH NOO !!! This can not be true. I can not believe it! She’s missing? Oh meu deus…

Player: Missing

Florentine: Oh … This is so sad. Do you know anything that I could not help them?

Player: Help

Florentine: Oh, ok … I can tell you that! In the last floor, in the top of the castle, there is this flower called Meadow Star. It’s the rarest of its species. With a light shovel, you can take it from there.

Florentine: But be carefully! This flower is too soft and should be handled with attention.

Player: Hi

Rabbit: <sniff …> <snif …>

Player: Mission

Rabbit: Oh! For Tibiasula! You found it! It smells so good … I think that, when she eats back, she will love our new decoration. Thank you!

Mission 3: Basket With Divine Orchids

Ask for another assignment for Rabbit. He will then say that for the return of his beloved, he would like her to be received with the best bed for rabbits, obtained through a special wood obtained from a secular tree in Folda. The wood was permanently cold so, along with a Holy Orchid, it would have the ideal temperature and warmth for the couple. The ingredients / items should / can be picked up in Folda, but for creating the perfect “walk” you will need to go to Thais and talk to NPC Lynda.

Your mission now is to go to Folda, and with a Saw, use the tree on top of the Folda Mountains,

With the wood in hand, go to the Holy Orchid Quest, on the left side of the Folda boat. Be prepared to face 3 Wyverns. Now with both objects in hand, use Holy Orchid on Frozen Wood to create a Wood With Holy Orchids (new item – quest item). Now to create the perfect bed, go to Thais and find the NPC Lynda in the church. Lynda will tell that her childhood at Thais farm taught her a lot about the love of animals, especially rodents. She is surprised by the ingredients and says that the next day her “rodent walk” will be ready.

Wait 24 hours and talk to Lynda again, having in hand your “Basket With Divine Orchids”. Return to the NPC Rabbit, deliver the item and report your mission.

Transcriptions: Player: Hi

Rabbit: <sniff …> <snif …>

Player: Mission

Rabbit: Oh, you here to help me again! I’m so pleased to have you in my life! My wife would love to know you! Have you seen her? … No? …

Rabbit: Ok. Let’s go to the point: I need another help from you! You know how much I love my wife and feel anxious about what is happening. So I want to give her the best when she returns!

Rabbit: So, I was thinking about a good bed with some comfort inside. I know that she loves the smells of orchids, and in a good bed would be so much better!

Player: Bed With Some Comfort

Rabbit: Yes … I’m sorry. To the wood, you can take it in a secular frozen tree in the top of a mountain in Folda. The orchids, getting into my experiences and knowledge, can be found nearby. I think in a place full of wyverns. Ugh! Ugly monsters …

Player: Folda

Rabbit: Yes. The only thing I’m sure that the perfect bed should come from there.

Player: There

Rabbit: There … OH NO !!! Actually, the only one who can make the perfect bed is my friend from Thais called Lynda. I know her since I was a little bunny and I know she can make the perfect bed of all times.

Player: Lynda

Rabbit: Yes! She works in the church and marries people!

Player: Hi

Lynda: Welcome in the name of the Gods, pilgrim [Player]!

Player: Mission

Lynda: Ohh! This cute ingredients … I know where it may be from! That little bunny … I will always remember him. Do you know that I used to create beds for rodents?

Player: Used To Create Beds

Lynda: Yes … I do not do it nowadays … But I can try it! Please, give me a day to try and return back! Probably your new bed will be here, done!

Player: Hi

Lynda: Welcome in the name of the Gods, pilgrim [Player]!

Player: Mission

Lynda: Yes! I just finished it! Here it is, your basket with divine orchids. I hope that little bunny likes it. Miss him so much!

Player: Hi

Rabbit: <sniff …> <snif …>

Player: Mission

Rabbit: Ooohhhhh !!! It looks incredible amazing! Lynda stills the same: with a brilliant mind and talent. Thank you, again, my friend [Player]!

Mission 4: Father

Ask for another assignment for Rabbit. He will tell that his wife has a father and that he lives north of Senja, next to the castle, away from everyone and everything. He says he hopes to get possible information about his wife’s whereabouts.

Upon arriving at this NPC Rabbit, he tells of his sad story with his wife and daughter, as the separation in family ties occurred in Senja, when she wanted to leave that cold and lonely place and know and face the world. The father, who did not accept the independence of the daughter, expelled it from where they lived. Her mother was desolate and went after her daughter. Then the two were found by human explorers to the southwest of the northern exit of Senja, in a cave of frost trolls. His mother died for these creatures, having survived only his daughter. The little bunny, very frightened, was taken by the explorers to Carlin and was never heard of.

The father, discredited in the story that his daughter might have disappeared again, decides to send a Glowing Carrot, a rare item that only the rabbits had in the form of help and apologies. He asks Rabbit if his daughter is found to visit him or visit the couple. He spent his life repentant but this Easter should and would change. The Glowing Carrot, when used, emits an orange light that, when near the NPC Rabbit (wife), issues a message: “Oh … Seems like some cute rabbit is sniffing this … Let’s get close.” When far from the NPC, another message appears: “Nothing new around here …”. (this item is only usable during the quest).

Report the mission to Rabbit and ask for the last mission.

Transcriptions: Player: Hi

Rabbit: <sniff …> <snif …>

Player: Mission

Rabbit: Do you know? Maybe she’s missing him.

Player: Father

Rabbit: Oh! I’m sorry … I never tell this to anyone. It’s just personal about her life.

Rabbit: But … I trust you. You are helping me.

Rabbit: A long time ago, she used to live in Senja with her family: her dad and her mom. I remember her telling me this, with a lot of tears dropping down her eyes.

Rabbit: She wanted to live abroad, to live by herself. She was old enough to get away from her family and live her own life. But her father, he was not happy with that decision.

Rabbit: So after several discussions, I have banned her from her house and she had to walk away without any support. Her mother came after her, and then the nightmare began.

Rabbit: After some days, the father was worried about the family and went to find them. After sneaking through some old frozen woods, he saw his wife and daugther, being rescued by humans. His wife was killed by a frozen troll and her daughter was still alive. He could not live with that, so he …

Rabbit: … he has isolated himself from everyone and everything in Senja. A few know about where he is now. Maybe you could find him for me and, if my wife is not there, tell him what’s happening!

Player: Hi

Rabbit (Father): Grrr …

Player: Mission

Rabbit (Father): Oh … no! Not again. I can not live with that again. Please, please, you have to rescue my daughter! I can not say that I love you!

Player: Love

Rabbit (Father): Yes … I did it wrong. I love her, and she’s everything to me. I miss her … Wish she could be here with me, but she’s not!

Rabbit (Father): I have one thing that I used to play when she was just a little bunny. This Glowing Carrot … it has a smell that means home. She will know where you are. Please, take it.

Player: Take

Rabbit (Father): Thank you. And remember, if you see her or her husband, tell you them I miss her so much. And I want to meet them, as soon as possible!

Player: Hi

Rabbit: <sniff …> <snif …>

Player: Mission

Rabbit: Oh! She’s not there … but you brought with you this Glowing Carrot! I remember she’s telling me the story about it. Really really, the scent is the most unique I ever felt!

Rabbit: I think now it’s time to … Wait … I remember something!

Mission 5: Thank You

On the last mission, Rabbit comments that there is a small island northeast of Svagrond called Nibelor. There, Silver Rabbits, their long-distance cousins, are found. Rabbit remembers, at the core of his memory, that his wife had commented that if she had to go anywhere in the world, it would be in Nibelor. He asks you to travel to Nibelor and there obtain possible information about his wife’s whereabouts. Take the Glowing Carrot with you and travel to Nibelor. Arriving in Nibelor, north of the island, you will find the NPC Silver Rabbit, which will contain valuable information on the whereabouts of Rabbit’s wife.

He will tell that he saw a bunny that did not seem to be wandering around looking for something he did not know. He says that the bunny went southeast towards the island, where the dangerous Chakoyas live. Going towards the far southeast, you find several igloos with cellars inside, and inside one of these cellars you can find the wife of NPC Rabbit, kept in captivity. KILL the Chakoyas (only killing the Chakoyas you can talk to the NPC. They do not respawn) and talk to the NPC Rabbit about what happened and why it was there.

She explains that, on the eve of Easter, she had to present him in a unique way. She had traveled to Nibelor with her distant cousins ​​to look for a Sparkling Yellow Rose, one of the rarest roses in the Tibian universe for her beloved husband. Upon arriving in Nibelor, she got lost because she did not know much about the place and was eventually captured by Chakoyas for a proper ritual, and who, even captured, got a sample of this rare flower in one of the corners accessible only by rodents in Nibelor. The bunny says that she was missing her husband and that she was happy that he had mobilized to find her. She asks you to take the flower to him, and as a thank you, she offers you a Bunnybag (new item) that can contain 3 of the items inside: 1-2 Chocolate Cakes With Strawberries (new item – food), 20-30 Colored Eggs assorted colors in yellow, blue, purple, green and red), 30-48 Cookies, 1-2 Cream Cakes, 1 Carrot Cake, 1 Carrot Pie, 1 Bloodkiss Flower, Badger Fur (Decorative) 5% of achievement), 1-4 Bars Of Chocolate, Bunnyslippers (very rare – possibility of 0.5% to get), Delicious Carrot (new item – mount) (rare – 25% tame introduced to capture a new mount, Wild Silver Rabbit, which is part of a new mini world change that happens in the Carlin Ice Islands called “Silverabbits”).

She decides to stay in the cave for the Chakoya treasures, and promises that soon she will leave, now with more cunning and with the help of her distant cousins.

Go back to the NPC Rabbit and report your mission. He will be glad to know that your wife is well and is preparing to receive her in the best way possible: with the appropriate Easter surprises. In tremendous celebration, the NPC offers a Stuffed Bunny, which, through its meaning, is believed to be a Stuffed Bunny is the representative of fertility and the resurgence of life.

After completing this quest, you will receive “Happy Easter” achievement.

Transcriptions: Player: Hi

Rabbit: <sniff …> <snif …>

Player: Mission

Rabbit: I remember that she told me, a looong time ago, about a place that she would love to live. Nibelor. I do not know why, but I think maybe she might be there.

Player: Nibelor

Rabbit: Yes! Nibelor! It’s a place in the northeast of Svargrond, the fre-e-ezing city! Just for sure, you should take a look there – and do not forget to bring this new Glowing Carrot with you!

Player: Hi

Silver Rabbit: <?>

Player: Mission

Silver Rabbit: That browny rabbit? She’s definitely not from here! I do not know what she was looking for, but she was in a hurry. She went down to the southeast of this island, probably in the Chakoya caves. It is so dangerous!

Silver Rabbit: Hope she is safe!

Player: Safe

Silver Rabbit: It’s common to Chakoyas to make rituals with foreigners … Even with a brown little bunny, that appears to be unique in Easter.

Player: Easter

Silver Rabbit: When Easter comes, you have to be careful about those Chakoyas! They are truly dangerous in this season!

Player: Hi

Rabbit (Wife): Oh !!! You are my hero, [Player]. Thank you for killing all these Chakoyas! I was about to get into a ritual that I do not even know about! For lucky, I smell this unique scent of the Glowing Carrot.

Player: Glowing Carrot

Rabbit (Wife): <snif …> Really? My father? I MISS HIM SO MUCH! Oh my god … Thank you for telling me this! He misses me as well! I am so happy … My father asks you to know where I am? This is why you are here?

Player: Here

Rabbit (Wife): My husband ??? … REALLY? HE DID THIS FOR ME? I can not believe it!

Rabbit (Wife): First of all, I came to Nibelor because here is a rare flower that blooms in the tiny spaces that only the tinest animals can get into it. This Sparkling Yellow Rose, it shines forever!

Rabbit (Wife): I know that my husband is missing me, but in this Easter, I decided to come here in Nibelor and take this flower to give it to him!

Rabbit (Wife): And I know that Easter is time to give and get … This flower woudl be the one meant of this! No more discussions …

Player: Meant

Rabbit (Wife): Yes! The meaning of something good and the start of something better! And for you, this easter, for helping me and my husband on this journey, I will give you this beautiful Bunnybag that I bring with me, and inside it, there is something that I value so much!

Rabbit (Wife): Now that you’re here, you can go back and tell my husband that I’m okay! Now that these Chakoyas are dead, I’m getting into some tiny holes in the wall with my cousins ​​until I’m safe again to go back to Dryads Garden!

Rabbit (Wife): Please, take with you this lovely golden flower! Give it to him … and say that I’ll be returning to this lovely place, where I love the most with the rabbit that I love the most.

Player: Hi

Rabbit: <sniff …> <snif …>

Player: Mission

Rabbit: YEAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! She’s alive! I’m sooo happy <sniff …> … Now I can breath again! Is she fine?

Player: Fine

Rabbit: Oh, that’s fine at all !!! And, wait, is this the Sparkling Yellow Rose? OH NO! Did she find it?

Player: Sparkling Yellow Rose

Rabbit: OOHHH !!!! She risked her life to me just to get this Sparkling Yellow Rose? Oh … Easter could not be happier than this! Thank you, [Player], for being part of something sooo special to me! I am pleased to meet you. Is she coming?

Player: Coming

Rabbit: Haha! That’s so typical of her. Of course that she would track some treasure from those Chakoyas … Haha. And hey …

Rabbit: I prepare something to you: a Stuffed Bunny, that symbolizes that through its wisdom, it is believed that to rabbit is the representative of fertility and the resurgence of life. Thank you for bringing me to life again!

Rabbit: Happy Easter!


Saving the Easter Quest


Rewards: Carrot on a Stick, Glowing Carrot, 50x platinum coins, alguns Achievements e acesso a 05 bosses (opcional).

Localization: Carlin, Thais, Edron, Ab’Dendriel, Svargrond, Northport, Folda, Plains of Havoc, Port Hope, Feyrist, entre outras.

You will face: Rabbits, Silver Rabbits, Chickens, Frost Trolls, Rotworms, Polar Bears, Yetis (raramente), Minotaurs (possivlemente), Poachers, Fauns, Dark Fauns, Boogyes (possivelmente), Pookas, Twisted Pookas, Pixies (possivelmente), Nymph (possivelmente), Swan Maidens (possivelmente), Dragons (possivelmente), Dragon Lords (possivelmente), Giant Spiders (possivelmente), Demons (possivelmente), entre outros.


Level: 8+ (Recomended: 30+)

Premium: No (first part)

Dificulty: 1 (first parte) / 5 (bosses)

Duration: Long



  • money to travel
  • Dreamer’s Challenge Quest (for the last boss)
  • 60x flours, 30x milk, 30x onion, 30x garlic, 30x powder herb, 30x shadow herb e 30x stone herb or the quest Thieves Guild Completed
  • 50x carrots and 50x corncobs
  • to complete 03 tasks de 05 (note: it is possible make only 03 tasks if you are free account)
  • 50x frosty ear of troll (task Folda)
  • 20x coloured eggs of each color and 20x hemp rope (Ab’Dendriel task)
  • 10x carrots e 10x sugar cane (Feyrist task)
  • 10x Hydra Eggs (Port Hope task)
  • 100x Wood, 50x Red Dragon Leather, 20x Red Dragon Scale, 20x Dragon Tails, 1x Knife, 1x Wooden Hammer, 1x Dragon Lord Trophy e 1x Demon Trophy (Plains of Havoc task)


Description: It seems that this year the Tibian Easter is compromised, is it possible to find colorful eggs for sale?









  1. Out of Stock


To start this mission, go to Bonnifacius, Imalas or Maria during Easter and ask for “colored egg”.


The NPCs will tell you that they could not find eggs this year, which is a shame, as many Tibians are looking for such an item to brighten their Easter.


Finally, they say they heard rumors that some people got “colored eggs” on the black market.


Go to the NPC Dorian and ask the same about “easter”


The NPC will say that this is a very special date and that people are having a hard time finding “colored eggs” this year.


If you have already done the Thieves Guild Quest the NPC will tell the player that there are rumors of some hunters in Nibelor, North Port and Outlaw Camp (near Hare’s Den) who may have “colored eggs” to be traded.


If you do not already have the Thieves Guild Quest, NPC Dorian will tell you that he knows some things and that he can tell you if you can get a green cake for him.


Go to Biff the Baker and ask about the green cake. The NPC will tell you that you are having too many orders for this pie due to Easter and that it is therefore without ingredients.


Speak “ingredients” and the NPC will say that you can make a pie for yourself if you give the same 60x flours, 30x milk, 30x onion, 30x garlic, 30x powder herb, 30x shadow herb and 30x stone herb).


Collect the ingredients and give to NPC Bill, done that the same thank you and will deliver the “green cake”.


Return to the NPC Dorian, say “green cake” and the same will tell you where to find the NPC’s Hunters.


Your questlog will be updated and the quest will be complete.





Player: Hi

Bonnifacius, Imalas ou Maria: Hello <jogador>! What do you need? If it’s food, you’ve come to the right place.

Player: Coloured Egg

Bonnifacius, Imalas ou Maria: Sorry Player, but this year I cound’t find a seller for my coloured egg stock. It’s sad because a lot of people are searching for it.

Bonnifacius, Imalas ou Maria: Maybe you can find the eggs in the black market.


Player: Hi

Dorian: Greetings, Player! Why do you disturb me?

Player: Easter

Dorian: I heard that people are in trouble finding coulored eggs this year.

if you have already made the Thieves Guild Quest

Dorian: There are rumors about egg hunters in Nibelor, Outlaw Camp and North Port.

if you have not made the Thieves Guild

Dorian: I can tell you something about the coloured eggs, but you have to give me a green cake. Biff makes a delicious one.

Player: Hi

Biff the Baker:

Player: green cake

Biff the Baker: There are a lot of deliveries because of easter. I’m running out of ingredients!!!

Player: Ingredients

Biff the Baker: Could you help me? I can give you a cake for free. You just need bring me 60 onces of flour, 30 flasks of milk, 30 onion, 30 garlics, 30 powder herbs, 30 shadow herbs and 30 stone herbs.

Player: Ingredients

Biff the Baker: Do you have the ingredients?

Player: Yes

Biff the Baker: Thanks, that saved my bakery. Happy easter!

Player: Hi

Dorian: Greetings, Player! Why do you disturb me?

Player: Green Cake

Dorian: That smell…I can’t wait to…Oh, let get back to the business.

Dorian: There are rumors about egg hunters in Nibelor, Outlaw Camp and North Port.



  1. Dealing with Hunters

Go there one of the locations (Nibelor, Northport or Outlaw Camp) and find one of NPC’s Hunter.


Say “colored eggs” and the NPC will tell you that you are hunting creatures to collect eggs and sell them.


Say “buy” and the NPC will tell you that you do not have many to sell, but you can collect more and supply to all cities if you can get 50x traps, 50x carrots and 50x corncobs for it.


Collect the items and return to the NPC Hunter and say “report”, saying that you will be teleported to a room and an orange message will appear on your screen “You got caught! NOW YOU’ILL SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES “.


Go to the green floor and you will be teleported to a room where you will find the NPC Easter Bunny.


Your questlog will be updated and the quest will be complete.




Player: Hi

NPC Hunter: I’m here, leave my respawn or I’ll hunt you.

Player: Coloured egg.

NPC Hunter: I’m farming then to make a lot of money.

Player: Buy

NPC Hunter: I don’t have much to sell yet, but if you bring me some traps and baits.

Player: Baits

NPC Hunter: I just need 50 carrots and 50 corncobs.


Player: Hi

NPC Hunter: I’m here, leave my respawn or I’ll hunt you.

Player: Report.










  1. Fixing the mistakes


Say “Hi” to the NPC Easter Bunny and the same will say that you committed a horrible crime.


Say “terrible” and the same will say that the spirit of Easter is to celebrate the rebirth of life and that you helped kill countless creatures that would multiply in the summer just to make a profit.


The NPC will continue saying that you can redeem yourself if you want to do some tasks for yourself and your friends.


Say “yes” and your quest log will be updated.


At this point 5 “tasks” will appear to be done, but you only need to complete 3 to complete this mission.


After completing 3 tasks, return to the Easter Bunny NPC and report your situation.




Player: Hi

NPC Easter Bunny: You monster!!! You committed a terrible crime.

Player: Terrible.

NPC Easter Bunny: Celebrate the life is the spirit of the easter, and you and your friends killed many creatures that will reproduce in the summer for selfish interest.

NPC Easter Bunny: Do you want to redeem yourself?

Player: Yes

NPC Easter Bunny: Ok, you must help three friends of mine and report me when you’re done. They are Snowflakes, Alkestios, Peacefull Pooka, Ustan and Krendorak.

Player: Snowflakes

NPC Easter Bunny: You can find He at Folda.

Player: Alkestios

NPC Easter Bunny: He lives near Ab’dendriel florest.

Player: Peacefull Pooka

NPC Easter Bunny: You can find she near Feyrist camp

Player: Ustan

NPC Easter Bunny: He’s the druid teacher of Port Hope.

Player: Krendorak

NPC Easter Bunny: His spirit is wandering near the Dragons of Plains of Havoc.


After complete 3 tasks:


Player: Hi

NPC Easter Bunny: Hello folk.

Player: Report.

NPC Easter Bunny: Seems like you helped my friends and redeemed your acts.


3.1.       Help Snowflake

Go to Folda near the place where the Yetis respawn and talk to NPC Snowflake.

He will tell you that the Frost Trolls are preventing Silver Rabbits from breeding in Folda and asks if you want to help him. Say “yes” and he will ask you to “50x frosty ear of troll” as evidence of extermination.

When you have collected the 50 ears, report the mission to the NPC, the same will thank you, but will say that unfortunately the effort was in vain and that the silver rabbits will remain in other locations.

You will gain the “Extrollmination” Achievement by completing this task.



Player: Hi

Snowflakes: Hello there, what brings you in this icy land?

Player: Easter Bunny

Snowflakes: Oh, that old rabbit is always worried about the nature. By the way, right now the Frost Trolls are killing all the Silver Rabbits that want to reproduce and settle in this place, can you help we?

Player: Yes.

Snowflakes: Kill many trolls that you finger can count and bring me 50 ears as proof of your deeds.

Player: Hi

Snowflakes: Hello there, what brings you in this icy land?

Player: Report.

Snowflakes: Unfortunately your effords didn’t stopped the trolls actions against the silver rabbits, but thank you anyway.




3.2.       Help Alkestios

Go to Ab’Dendriel and say “easter” to NPC Alkestios. He will tell you that it is an Easter tradition to decorate the trees with colored eggs and that it would be good to remember this in Ab’Dendriel since there are many hunters in the area.

Say “remember” and the NPC will ask you to decorate “20x trees”.

You will need “20x colored eggs” of each color, “20x hemp rope” and once you have collected them use “hemp hope” on the Ab’Dendriel trees, the eggs and hemp ropes will disappear, after reporting the mission to the NPC Alkestius.

You’ll earn the “Eggtastic” Achievement by completing this task.



Player: Hi

Alkestios: Nature’s blessing, traveller! May you not be affected by any sinister force.

Player: Easter

Alkestios: We used to do an old tradition to garnish the trees with coloured eggs, but right now people only worry about hunts and profits. As you can see there is a lot of hunters roaming Ab’Dendriel and killing the wildlife. Maybe you can help me revive this tradition.

Player: Help

Alkestios: Gather twenty eggs of each colour and use some hemp ropes to garnish at least twenty trees in Ab’Dendriel.

Player: Hi

Alkestios: Nature’s blessing, traveller! May you not be affected by any sinister force.

Player: Report

Alkestios: I appreciated your help, maybe those garnishes can bring to tibians the old spirit of easter.

3.3.       Help Peaceful Pooka

Go to Feyrist and say “easter” to NPC Peacefull Pooka. He will tell you that some Pookas on the island are getting distorted and asks if you can help free some of that spell.

Say “yes” and the NPC will tell you to look for Padre in Carlin, because she knows a formula to deal with such a problem.

Go to the NPC Padreia and say “twisted”, she will tell you to take the same “10x carrots” and “10x sugar cane”. Take the items to NPC and she will give you the item “Candy Carrot”.

Return to Feyrist and use the item “Candy Carrot” (even sprite of “Frozen Carrot”) in 10x Twisted Pookas and report to NPC Peacefull Pooka.

You will earn the “End of the Twist” Achievement by completing this task.



Player: Hi

NPC Peaceful Pooka: Hello, mortal being! Do you want to play a game?

Player: Easter

NPC Peaceful Pooka: Hummn…You’re not a gamer.

NPC Peaceful Pooka: The pookas in this island are becoming twisted, this happens at night and in dark places. I know that a renowned druid in Carlin knows how to free those poor creatures from this suffering, can you talk to her?

Player: Yes. 

Player: Hi


Player: Twisted

Padreia: Ah, you need some help with those poor little creatures. I know a recipe that can calm down and set they free from suffering. You just need to bring me some carrots and sugar.

After collecting the ingredientes

Player: Hi


Player: Ingredients

Padreia: Here we are. Feed the twisted pookas with those candy carrots and they will be set free.


After releasing 10 twisted pookas

Player: Hi

NPC Peaceful Pooka: Hello, mortal being! Do you want to play a game?

Player: report

NPC peaceful Pooka: Thanks for the help, come back anytime if you wanna play a game.



3.4.       Help Ustan


Go to NPC Ustan in Port Hope and ask the same about Easter. He will tell you that he has received warnings that the Hydras are approaching the city. He says that perhaps the leader of the monkeys knows more about this problem.

Go to the NPC Hairycles in Banuta and say “hydras”. The NPC will tell you that you have seen several adventurers stealing eggs from the nests of the hydras and that this has caused their wrath.

Return to NPC Ustan and report the situation. The NPC will then tell you to return some hydras eggs to their nests and maybe that will calm them down.

Take “10x Hydra Eggs” and use them in the “hydra nest” and report to NPC Ustan.

You will gain the “Headache” Achievement upon completion of this task.




Player: Hi

NPC Ustan: Hi “player”

Player: Easter

NPC Ustan: I heard that hydras are roaming around Port Hope city. Maybe the ape leader knows more about it.

Player: Hi

NPC Hairycles: Oh! Hello! Hello! Did not notice!

Player: Hydras

NPC Hairycles: Me see humans carry hydra eggs. Hydra angry.

Player: Hi

NPC Ustan:

Player: report

NPC Ustan: It makes sense. Seems like we need to give back some hydra eggs to the nests, can you do that for us?

Player: Yes



After using the eggs in the nests

Player: Hi

NPC Ustan:

Player: Report

NPC Ustan: Finally, we can rest now and so the hydras.


3.5.       Help Krendorak

Go to the entrance of the POH dragons and find the Phantom NPC Krendorak. Say “hi” to the NPC and he will tell you that he will only talk to you if he proves he is worthy. Say “Worth” and he will ask for proof that you have killed a demon.

Get a “Demon Trophy” and talk to NPC Krendorak again. Say “proof” and then the NPC will tell you that you are worried about the safety of this world, as you fear the escape of Hugo Demon Bunny.

He will ask you to bring the same “100x Wood, 50x Red Dragon Leather, 20x Red Dragon Scale, 20x Dragon Tails, 1x Knife, 1x Wooden Hammer, 1x Dragon Lord Trophy.”

When delivering the item he will say that the Dream Master managed to foil Hugo again with a Dragon Lord Dummy and kept the rabbit busy eating the treats he likes.

You will earn the “Savior of the day” Achievement by completing this task.

Concluding 3 of the 5 “tasks” return to the Easter Bunny NPC and report your situation. He will say that his crimes have been forgiven but not forgotten and that you need to remind the other humans of the real Easter spirit.

Say “remember” your “quest log” will update and a new quest will start.



Player: Hi

NPC Krendorak Spirit: I’ll talk when you’re proof that you’re worthy

Player: Worth

NPC Krendorak: Bring me a head of a demon and we’ll continue our conversation.



After achieving the Demon Trophy

Player: Hi

NPC Krendorak Spirit: I’ll talk when you’re proof that you’re worthy

Player: Proof

NPC Krendorak Spirt: Now you got my attention. Listen up … <whispers> have you ever heard about Hugo, the Demon Bunny?

NPC Krendorak Spirt: <whispers> Long time ago our order imprisoned this horrendous creature, but I’m afraid that this monster can escape. I’m dead and can not do much more than ask for some help, can you please me?

Player: Yes

NPC Krendorak Spirt: I’ll make a Dragon Dummy, bring me 100 pieces of Wood, 50 Red Dragon Leather, 20 Red Dragon Scale, 20 Dragon Tails, a Knife, a Wooden Hammer and a Dragon Lord Trophy.

After collecting items

Player: Hi

NPC Krendorak Spirit: Hello brave hero

Player: Report

NPC Krendorak Spirit: Thanks for the help, <whispers> now I’ll send this fake dragon to the cellar of Hugo and keep him amused.


  1. Easter Spirit

The NPC Easter Bunny will say that Easter serves to celebrate the resumption of summer life and that it was a common practice of the ancient people to light fires at this time. The NPC then asks you to persuade the King of Thais and the Queen of Carlin to adopt this tradition.

Go to Carlin and say “easter” and “bonfire” to the Queen. She will tell you that she learned of the problem with the “colored eggs” and that they will allow the campfire as long as you deliver the Imalas “50x colored eggs” of each color.

Once collected the eggs go to Imalas and deliver the same. Report to the Queen, go to the fire and use the same.

Go to Thais and say “easter” and “bonfire” to the King. He will tell you he would like chocolates to distribute to the citizens of Thais and ask if you can not do this. Say “yes” and get 10x chocolate bars, once with the items in hand, deliver them to any Thais NPC’s saying “hi-chocolate-the-king”.

When you have delivered the 10 chocolates, return to the King and report your mission, go to the fire and use the same.

Return to the NPC Easter Bunny and report your mission, the NPC will thank you and as a reward you will win a Carrot on a Stick, Glowing Carrot and a Bunny Doll.

You will earn the “Easter Egg” Achievement at the end of this quest.



Player: Hi

NPC Easter Bunny: Hello Folk.

Player: Reedem

NPC Easter Bunny: To finish your mission, you need to convince the King and the Queen to do an ancient ritual in their cities.

Player: Ancient Ritual

NPC Easter Bunny: They need to light up a bonfire to celebrate the revival of wildlife in the summer.

Go to Carlin

Player: Hail Queen.

NPC Queen Eloise: I greet you, my loyal subject.

Player: Easter

NPC Queen Eloise: I heard about colored eggs problem, what do you have in mind to solve it?

Player: Bonfire

NPC Queen Eloise: An ancient ritual from light to bonfire? Imalas 50 colored eggs of each color.

After getting the eggs

Player: Hi

Imalas: Hello <player>! What do you need? If it’s food, you’ve come to the right place.

Player: Colored Eggs

Imalas: You find a seller? Thank you, Carlin owes you.

Return to Queen Eloise

Player: Hail Queen.

Queen Eloise: I greet you, my loyal subject.

Player: report

Queen Eloise: Carlin appreciated your effords, now I allow you to light the bonfire.

Go to Thais

Player: Hail King

King Tibianus: I greet you, my loyal subject.

Player: Easter

King Tibianus: I like easter and so my subjects.

Player: Bonfire

King Tibianus: Yes, we can have a bonfire, but firstly you must give some chocolate to the thai citizens.

After delivering the chocolates

Player: Hail King

King Tibianus: I greet you, my loyal subject.

Player: Report

King Tibianus: Its time to set fire and celebrate the east, go on my subject.

Reporting the mission to the Easter Bunny

Player: Hi

Easter Bunny: Hello folk

Player: report


Easter Bunny: Now your crimes are forgiven, and you can enjoy this wonderful event.

Easter Bunny: By the way to remember the easter I’ll give you some rewards, I hope you enjoy it.


  1. Face the enemies (optional)

After completing the 4th mission the NPC Easter Bunny will tell you that after you have helped your friends, strange things have happened and that you know that strong creatures are bothering the living beings of those places.

He says then that there are 5 portals and that you should investigate them to know what is happening. It also reminds you that it may be necessary to seek the help of other adventurers for such a venture.

5.1. Itzcol (Blue portal)

This portal is located in the mountain of Folda, to access it you will need to have performed the “Help” Snowflake task. Upon entering the portal you will face the Itzcol boss. He is has the appearance of a furious troll (but of blue color) and strength equivalent to the boss “The Snapper”. In addition, Itzcol summons 2 frost trolls.

When killing this boss you will gain the achievement “Cold as Ice”.

Tip. The mechanics of this boss is simple, just kill the frost trolls to avoid having the broken defense and attack that one.

5.2. Bob Feet (Yellow Portal)

This portal is located in Ab’Dendriel near the hunters, to access it you will need to have performed the “Help” task Alkestius. Upon entering the portal you will face boss Bob Feet. He has the appearance of a “Poacher” and summons 2 War Wolfs.

When killing this boss you will gain the achievement “Bounty Hunter”

Tip. If you are a paladin or mage, beware of the traps that remain on the floor of the room as they slow down your character.

5.3. Strangler (Purple Portal)

This portal is located in Feyrist inside the cave of Dark Fauns and Boogies, to access it you should have finished the “task” Help Peacuful Pooka.


When you access the portal you will enter the waiting room. This boss can be done by up to five players. It has the appearance of a Souleater and summons a creature that looks like an Earth Elemental (Vines).

Vine is invulnerable and after a few seconds will explode turning players into a 8 sqm radius incapable of using spells and items for a few seconds (still suffering damage).

It is recommended that one of the players (Knight or paladin) take the target of the Vine and move him away from the others to avoid that every party is at risk since the boss Strangler has high damage.

When killing this boss you will gain the achievement “Twisted Path”.

5.4. The Mother (Green Portal)

This portal is located in Port Hope in the subsoil of Hydra Mountain (North), to access it you should have finished the “Task” Help Ustan. When you access the portal you will enter the waiting room. This boss can be done by up to five players. It has the appearance of a Hydra, but in the Red color.

In the boss room there are 4 nest hydras scattered in the corners, when the orange message “THE MOTHER IS ANGRY” appears, the boss will be invulnerable and at that moment one of the players must transform into a hydra egg (using the chameleon rune) and stay in 04 nests until the message “THE BABYS ARE BACK, MOM IS CALM” appears.

As long as the boss stays in the invulnerable mode 4 hydras will appear every 10 seconds, so the ideal is for the boss to be made with the 5 person team of lvl 150+.

When killing this boss you will gain the achievement “The gonne mother”

5.5. Specter of Hugo (Red Portal)

This portal is located inside the Dream Realm to access it you should have finished the “Help” Krendorak task and have the Dreamer’s Challenge Quest complete. When you access the portal you will enter the waiting room. This boss can be done by up to fifteen players (a team of lvl 500+ is recommended). It has the appearance of a black rabbit (do not underestimate the same).

When starting the battle the boss will be invulnerable, then it is necessary that a Knight holds the same in a corner of the room.

In the meantime, several “tormented spirits” will be invoked in the room (they are vulnerable to sacred damage), so it is recommended that the paladins be left to kill them to keep the room from being full.

When the boss says “IM HUNGRY”, one of the players must go south of the room and ask NPC The Dream Master which food the boss wants (hi-hugo-food).

The NPC will say one of the following: Grape, Bread, Roll, Cheese, Red Apple, Meat or Ham.

The bloker should then turn into the food called by the NPC, so the boss will “eat” the same and be satisfied for a few seconds.

In addition, druids must always use the Wild Growth Rune near the boss or it will cause 2000 life drain on the target per turn (the boss will eat the runes).

The boss will still say after a few seconds (HUNGRYY! And HUNGRYYYYY !!!!!), when the last word is spoken he will give an EU that will deal 8000 damage.

Whenever the boss is properly fed the NPC The Dream Master will summon a Convincible Dragon in the south of the room, players should then use the rune convince creature on Dragon and wait (ideally, the sorcerers do this, since the paladins will be occupied with the tormented spirits).

This must be repeated until the team has managed to convince 8 dragons. At this point, players must simultaneously attack the boss, as they can deal damage to the dragons and kill them.

When the boss is surrounded by dragons, he will become vulnerable and use a spell in aréa that leaves the tormented spirits in specters, so the paladins should ideally focus and eliminate the spirits.

The rest of the fight is simple, as long as players continue to feed the boss with wild growths and food and kill the tormented spirits.

By killing the boss you will gain the achievment “The worst nightmare”.



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