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[Fixo] Concurso/Contest - Aniversário 2 Anos Bom Dia Tibia (Submissões/Submissions)

12 Posts
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Data de Registro: 5 anos atrás
Posts: 54
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Nosso segundo aniversário está chegando! O Rei Tibianus é um grande fã do BomDiaTibia e resolveu convidar nós do BDT e o pessoal do TibiaEvents para organizar um show em Thais para festejar e comemorar nosso aniversário. Já está tudo planejado! Nosso amigo Biff the Baker já está providenciando o bolo, Donald e Sherry McRonald já estão encarregados do churrasco e é claro, a bebida não pode faltar, mas Frodo já providenciou isso.
O anunciante real Towncryer já está gritando pra todos de Thais sobre esse grande evento, no entanto o Rei faz questão que todo o continente fique sabendo e que todos compareçam em nossa festa.
Para isso precisaremos que você faça um cartaz anunciando nosso evento para que Kevin envie para todo mundo!

Como vai funcionar:

Você terá que bolar um cartaz feito a mão anunciando um show fictício para homenagear os 2 anos do BDT. Seja criativo e convide todo o continente para essa festa em Thais. Não deixe o RPG de lado!

O evento terá início  Sábado, 19 de Maio de 2018 e termina em 08 de Junho de 2018.


- Você de ve curtir nossa página no Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bomdiatibia/
- Você deverá submeter sua participação nesse tópico.
-Dúvidas serão esclarecidas nesse forum: Link
-Sua postagem deve conter o nick do seu char e mundo que você joga.
-O cartaz deverá ser feito à mão, você pode utilizar materiais como cartolina, papelão, sulfite, canetinhas, lápis de cor, etc.;
-Não serão aceitos cartazes feitos em computador;
-O cartaz deverá conter obrigatoriamente os seguintes elementos:

  1. 2 anos de BomDiaTibia;
  2. Thais (Local do Show);
  3. TibiaEvents (Patrocinador do Show)
  4. E as atrações (criadas por você);

-Os elementos RPG deverão ser usados para anunciar esse show fictício em nossa homenagem;
-Sua submissão deverá conter pelo menos três fotos do processo e pelo menos uma foto da arte final;
-As submissões poderão ser em Português ou Inglês;
-O conteúdo dos cartazes deverão respeitar as regras do Tibia;
-O conteúdo NÃO deverá apresentar linguagem ou imagens inapropriadas;
-Plágio não será tolerado;
-Você pode participar uma ÚNICA VEZ por char. Caso queira submeter outro cartaz, terá que usar um outro Character;
-O descumprimento de qualquer uma dessas regras leva a desqualificação.

Quem julgará: Nossa equipe, a equipe to TibiaEvents e membros da CipSoft


#1 Categoria (Goden Winners) 
Vencedor a) Golden Goblet + Party Cake + 30 Days ExitLag + Journal Shield
Vencedor b) Golden Goblet + Party Cake + 30 Days ExitLag + Memory Box
Vencedor c) Golden Goblet + Party Cake + 30 Days ExitLag + Yellow Rose

#2 Categoria (Silver Winners)

a) Silver Goblet + Party Cake + 30 Days ExitLag + Golden Rune Emblem

b) Silver Goblet + Party Cake + 30 Days ExitLag + Golden Rune Emblem

c) Silver Goblet + Party Cake + 30 Days ExitLag + Golden Rune Emblem


 English Version

Our second anniversary is coming! King Tibianus is a big fan of BomDiaTibia and decided to invite our staff and our friends of TibiaEvents to organize a big concert in Thais, to fiest and celebrate our birthday. Almost everything is planned already. Our friend Biff the Baker is providing the cake, Donald and Sherry McRonald are in charge of the barbecue annd, of course, the drink will be provided by Frodo.
Royal advertiser Towncryer is already spreading the news to everyone in Thais about this great event, but the King wants the whole continent to know about it and come to our party.
For that we will need you to make a poster advertising about our event so Kevin can send it to everybody around Tibia!

How will this work:
You'll have to do a handcrafted poster advertising a fictitious show to honor our 2 years anniversary Be creative and invite the whole continent to our party in Thais. Don't leave the RPG aside!

Constest starts on Saturday, May 19 and ends on Jun 08, 2018.


-You must like our fanpage on Fb: https://www.facebook.com/bomdiatibia/
-You must submit your entry on this Topic.
-If you have any doubts we'll answer on this forum: link
-Your entry must cointain your character nick and the world you play in;
-Poster must be handcrafted and you can use material such as cardboard, white sulphit paper, colouring pencil and pen, etc.;
-We won't accept posters made on image editing softwares;
-Poster MUST contain these elements:

  1. 2 years of BomDiaTibia;
  2. Thais (as place of the concert);
  3. TibiaEvents (as the Event sponsor)
  4. and the artists, groups (be free to create)

-RPG elements must be used to advertise that fictitious concert in our honor;
-Your entry must contain at least three pictures of the making process and at least one of the final art;
-Submissions can be both in portuguese or english;
-Content of the posters must respect Tibia Rules;
-The content must NOT be related to inappropriate things or have inappropriate language;
-Plagiarism won't be tolerated;
- You can participate only ONCE per character. If you want submit a 2nd poster you must use second character name as well;
-If you break any of the rules you'll be disqualified;
-We'll validate or unvalidate your submission so you can see if your submission is ok, so keep checking.

Who will judge: our staff, TibiaEvents staff and Cipsoft members.


#1 Category (Goden Winners) 
Winner a): Golden Goblet + Party Cake + 30 Days ExitLag + Journal Shield
Winner b): Golden Goblet + Party Cake + 30 Days ExitLag + Memory Box
Winner c): Golden Goblet + Party Cake + 30 Days ExitLag + Yellow Rose

#2 Category (Silver Winners)

Winner a) Silver Goblet + Party Cake + 30 Days ExitLag + Golden Rune Emblem

Winner b) Silver Goblet + Party Cake + 30 Days ExitLag + Golden Rune Emblem

Winner c) Silver Goblet + Party Cake + 30 Days ExitLag + Golden Rune Emblem



Active Member
Data de Registro: 5 anos atrás
Posts: 16

char : Dedeka Sapeca 

mundo: Talera 


final ^^ 

Submissão válida / Valid submission (1)

Super Amarelo

Active Member
Data de Registro: 5 anos atrás
Posts: 16

Didi Hadid





Submissão válida / Valid submission (7)

Super Amarelo

Active Member
Data de Registro: 5 anos atrás
Posts: 14

Hello 😉

Here is my 1st entry.

Myth Mine


happy b'day ! 😉


Submissão válida / Valid submission (12)


Active Member
Data de Registro: 5 anos atrás
Posts: 14

Here is my 2nd entry




Submissão válida / Valid submission (13)


Active Member
Data de Registro: 5 anos atrás
Posts: 6

Character: Licad

World: Talera



Submissão válida / Valid submission (19)


Estimable Member Admin
Data de Registro: 5 anos atrás
Posts: 160

Caros Tibianos, agradecemos aos quase 30 participantes por compartilhar um pouco do seu tempo e criatividade. Aqui estão listados os 06 ganhadores:


First Group (Golden Winners): 

Ganhador 1:  Golden Goblet + Party Cake + 30 Days ExitLag + Journal Shield 

Ganhador 2: Golden Goblet + Party Cake + 30 Days ExitLag + Memory Box



Ganhador 3: Golden Goblet + Party Cake + 30 Days ExitLag + Yellow Rose

Second Group (Silver Winners): 

Ganhador 4 - Silver Goblet + Party Cake + 30 Days ExitLag + Golden Rune Emblem

Ganhador 5 - Silver Goblet + Party Cake + 30 Days ExitLag + Golden Rune Emblem

Ganhador 6 - Silver Goblet + Party Cake + 30 Days ExitLag + Golden Rune Emblem





Active Member
Data de Registro: 5 anos atrás
Posts: 16

Huhu Ganhei 

 char: Dedeka Sapeca  

a runa pode ser a Golden Rune Emblem (Paralyze)  


Estimable Member Admin
Data de Registro: 5 anos atrás
Posts: 160
Postado po: Frau Krieger
Postado po: Pochwalona

@Frau Krieger 

On your poster full of RPG I can see people and monsters having fun during birthday party, Journal Shield and Memory Box. On my poster I can see people and monsters having fun during birthday party, c So where is the diference which makes my poster lack a RPG part. Rhetorical question.


1.- I dont make a drawing
2.- The monster are not part of the party (Read the small letters)
3.- Journal Shield and Memory Box is a rule, if you dont have it cant take part in event

That's the bad thing in 80% of cases all DRAWING the SAME things (Its ok, some of these have OP skills with a pencil), monsters with fun or npc in a party. Only change the style i the place 1 2 3.

Also, I really dont care about me or my entry. Its about the concept, this only look like drawing contest.

   Fellow tibian, first of all, thank you for your participation. We know it's not easy to compete with so many talented people, anyway, allow me to challenge your argument. As you can see, we had winners of many kinds and not just drawings. The 4th, 5th and 6th places are not just drawings, but collages, paperwork and even a kind of mock-up (4th place), which is my favorite. All submissions were carefully evaluated and contained an enough part of Tibian RPG, not only by the way it was constructed, but also by the concept itself. We deeply regret that you have not won and we are working hard to improve our judgment system, even though the winners of this edition have been deservedly honored. We wish good luck in the next contests and thank you for your kindness in building something so cool. 

See ya soon! 

Estimable Member Admin
Data de Registro: 5 anos atrás
Posts: 160

Atenção: Todos os prêmios serão enviados hoje, Terça-feira, no Server Save.  Aos que tenham interesse em utilizar os 30 dias de ExitLag, por favor, respondam nesse tópico se devemos enviar suas chaves de ativação para o email de cadastro ou por outro meio: facebook, etc.

Notice: All prizes will be sent today, Tuesday, on Server Save. To those who are interested in using the 30 days of ExitLag, please reply in this topic if we should send your activation key to your registered email or facebook.


Estimable Member Admin
Data de Registro: 5 anos atrás
Posts: 160
Postado po: Pochwalona

Thanks once again! ?

@Frau Krieger

I still don't understand your criticism about my work, cus I used a lot of different techniques like watercolor painting, polymer clay, elements used in scrapbooking, only cutting out my drawing with such a lot of details and small elements on 300g/m2 paper with razor blade took me like 3-4 hours. You don't have to like others' posters, but at least try to respect our work, cus you're not the only person who put effort in it.

Ohhh! Congratulations once again! Our Journal Shield fits beautifully over your decoration! <3

Estimable Member Admin
Data de Registro: 5 anos atrás
Posts: 160
Postado po: Fiery87

Pochwalona, when I ve seen your project I knew it that it will be 1st place. If I can vote I will vote on yours, very clear project.

I must be satisfied with golden emblem 😀

Hey Fiery, Golden Rune looks awesome at ur home as well! BTW, your submission is my favorite on this contest. Thanks for building a nice wall. You could gift us and send it to our headquarters in Brazil. hahahaha 
