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Missão 2: Nós precisamos de uma música

Bem, parece que a Rainha Eloise já encontrou a banda na missão 1. Ela pediu a um famoso poeta de Edron que fizesse uma música tema para a festa de aniversário do jornal BomdiaNews. Nessa missão, você deverá criar uma música tema para a festa em Carlin. A música deve soar épica e heróica, afinal de contas, estamos falando de Carlin e de sua Rainha, a Eloise e ela é muito exigente. 

- Você pode criar sua própria música do zero e escrever a letra ou pegar uma música já existente e escrever/cantar a letra sobre ela; 
É obrigatório conter: Rainha Eloise e Bomdia News na letra;
- Poste sua música no youtube e submeta o link no nosso fórum;

#1 Lugar:  Nightmare Doll    + Golden Trophy of Excellence   + 30 dias exitlag  
#2 Lugar: Heavy Medal  + Silver Trophy of Excellence   + 30 dias exitlag 
#3 Lugar: Royal Medal  + Bronze Trophy  + 30 dias exitlag 


Mission 2: We need a song

It seems that the queen has finally found a band to liven up the party. She requested from a famous poet from Edron, a theme song for the BomDia Newspaper anniversary. In this mission, you must create a theme song for the anniversary of the famous Tibian newspaper: BomDia News. But keep in mind that the music must sound epic and heroic, after all, we are talking about Carlin and its Queen and she is very rigorous. You can build up a song yourself or even sing along an existing melody but the lyrics must be yours.
Your lyrics MUST contain: "Queen Eloise" and "BomDia News" (Mandatory)
Post your song on youtube and submit just the link on our forum;

#1 Place:  Nightmare Doll    + Golden Trophy of Excellence   + 30 days exitlag  
#2 Place: Heavy Medal  + Silver Trophy of Excellence   + 30 days exitlag 
#3 Place: Royal Medal  + Bronze Trophy  + 30 days exitlag 



Este tópico foi modificado 5 anos atrás 4 vezes by Super Amarelo

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Posts: 2


Character: Zahiz

World: Belluma

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Super Amarelo

Este post foi modificado 5 anos atrás 5 vezes por Super Amarelo

New Member
Data de Registro: 5 anos atrás
Posts: 3

Char: Tibyasula 

Mundo: Quelibra



Letra da Musica



São quatro anos

De muita alegria

Parabéns BomDiaTibia


Felicidades que vem de Carlin

Uma Bela Cidade

Mulheres Guerreiras

Rainha Eloise  estar a Festejar


Parabéns BomDia News

Noticias Tibianas

E Podcast semanal

Esse é o BomdiaTibia


Mulheres Guerreiras

Resistencia Feminina

E alianças com os Druidas

Essa é Carlin

A Melhor Cidade


Rainha Eloise

Deseja ao BomdiaTibia

Toda a felicidade!!


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Super Amarelo

Este post foi modificado 5 anos atrás por Super Amarelo

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Data de Registro: 5 anos atrás
Posts: 3

Character: Avantura
Server: Antica



I've heard the loudest drum, some cords of old guitar
a sweetest sound of elvish lyre from City named Carlin
Citizens hurry up, it's time to party start
Let's sing a song or claps and whiz for our Queen Eloise.
[CHORUS] Hail Queen! [CHORUS]
*From City of the Swamps *
From City of wise Elves
We coming from the other worlds to celebrate this Day!
*From Mines of bearded Dwarves
*From Capital of All
We dancing, drinking, laughing, fighting and loving that's for sure.
You think you were the beast
So try amazon fist
These women's rule amongst our mens
No matter what, you lose your head
You lose your gold and staff
You died without your shoes
And that horrible story, friend
is in BomDia News.
*From City of the Swamps
*From City of wise Elves
We coming from the other worlds to celebrate this Day!
*From Mines of bearded Dwarves
*From Capital of All
We dancing, drinking, laughing, fighting and that's the end of story.


Approved Submission / Submissão Aprovada 
Super Amarelo

Este post foi modificado 5 anos atrás por Super Amarelo

sopa reacted
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Character: Shawtay World: Pacera
Followed you on Instagram and Facebook
I was going for a party type of song so I hope you enjoy it. Happy fourth anniversary, BomDiaTibia.com!




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Super Amarelo

Este post foi modificado 5 anos atrás por Super Amarelo

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Data de Registro: 1 segundo atrás
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Char: Psykeeh

Mundo: Talera



Do you wanna go to Carlin ?!

Background inspiration (Frozen- Do you wanna build a snowman)



Do you wanna go to Carlin
A is party about to start
Organized by  Queen Eloise
Super big
In the city Heart
They say it will be the coolest
About a newspaper
A newspaper the queen really Love
Do you wanna go to Carlin
Please lets go to Carlin


Do you wanna go to Carlin
Maybe explore all the good sites,
A city full of wonders,
Full of life and nature all around,
There is ice islands,
Even bugs and creatures in the sewers,
But the most amazing part,
It’s the party about the start,
BomDia News.



I know you will come,
It’s their fourth birthday,
There will be a band an food,
Amazing groups and music all night,
The rumors are spreading,
All the tibians will come and I’ll hope you will come too,
Do you wanna go to Carlin.
Please let’s go to Carlin,


Happy Birthday BomDia News.


Approved Submission / Submissão Aprovada 
Super Amarelo

Este post foi modificado 5 anos atrás por Super Amarelo

sopa reacted
New Member
Data de Registro: 1 segundo atrás
Posts: 0

Char: Psyqeeh

World: Talera


Carlin - Hello, Hello

Background inspiration (The Hunger Games - The Hanging Tree)


Hello, Hello,
There is a prophecy,
Of a land ruled and claimed,
By a precious queen,
People spread her name,
The greatest majesty,
Queen Eloise,
Queen of Carlin,


Hello, Hello,
Have you heard of Carlin,
City ruled by women,
And respawns to be seen,
People gather there,
Exploring every sight,
There is land and nature,
Always full life,


Hello, Hello,
So much to explore,
From the inside of the city,
And surrounding shore, 
There is Sewers, Camps,
And Islands of Ice,
Take this journey by heart,
Grab the horses and ride.


Hello, Hello,
Can you hear the sounds,
Rumors are told,
A NewsPaper is around,
Loved by the queen and subjects you will see,
It is called BomDia News, 
The Tibian pick to be.


Hello, Hello
Are you coming to Carlin ,
City up north west,
Where the party will begin,
Festivities will happening, 
Sooner then you’ll see, 
To embrace the four,
Years anniversary.


Hello, Hello,
It is about the start,
Listening to the drums,
In the Castle starling night, 
The band and the food are waiting, 
For the community to arrive,
Let’s sing Happy Birthday,
And have a good time.


Approved Submission / Submissão Aprovada 
Super Amarelo

Este post foi modificado 5 anos atrás por Super Amarelo

sopa and Super Amarelo reacted
New Member
Data de Registro: 5 anos atrás
Posts: 1





Slowfi - Quintera 

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Super Amarelo

Este post foi modificado 5 anos atrás por Super Amarelo

New Member
Data de Registro: 5 anos atrás
Posts: 2

Name: Andthen Wedanced

World: Vunira




Walking carlin street

Looking at the tired tree

Amazons are there

Guarding everywhere

They favourite city...

Walking castle road

Greeting guard of our queen

Queen Eloise is here

Not letting enemies come near.


Peace is everywhere


Reading Carlin news

Reading Bomdia everyday

Favourite of the queen

Bomdia News rules...


Approved Submission / Submissão Aprovada 
Super Amarelo

Este post foi modificado 5 anos atrás por kappauser
Este post foi modificado 5 anos atrás por Super Amarelo
