Queridos Tibianos, é com muito prazer e muita felicidade que apresentamos nosso item oficial. Gostaríamos de agradecer a todos os participantes pela dedicação e criatividade.
Dear Tibians, it's a great pleasure and happiness that we present our official item. We would like to thank all participants for their dedication and creativity.
3º Lugar / #3 Place
Item name: Mr Pelvis
2º Lugar / #2 Place
Item name: Paperboy Doll
And the official ITEM (#1)
Item Name: Journal Shield
Descrição: You see a journal shield. It weighs 33.00 oz. Tibia's very first headline is written on it. Awarded by BomDiaTibia.com.
Didi Hadid: Please, we've sent an email with instructions!
I hereby confirm that the submitted artwork is my own creation and that it does not plagiarize someone else's work! I know that all entries become the property of CipSoft. By participating, I agree that CipSoft has the right to edit and/or publish the item.
character name, date, signature real life name
IT is important to read all points carefully!
The item can only be implemented in Tibia, if the winner has signed the following disclaimer to fansites@tibia.com:
I hereby confirm that the submitted artwork is my own creation and that it does not plagiarize someone else's work! I know that all entries become the property of CipSoft. By participating, I agree that CipSoft has the right to edit and/or publish the item.
character name, date, signature real life name
🙁 no thanks
i dont know how to use graphic programs... that have nothing to do with tibia once again ;/
Didi Hadid
Submission #1
Description: You see a sunrise teddy. It weighs 25.00 oz. Awarded by BomDiaTibia.com to bring joy and news to your mornings.
Light: Yellow, 3 sqm
When not activated:
Spritesheet when not activated:
When you use it, it'll offer you the cup of coffee and say one of the phrases below:
"Bom dia! Good morning!"
"Join me for a cup of coffee, <player>!"
"Do you wanna hear some good news?"
"Hail BomDiaTibia.com!"
When activated:
Spritesheet when activated:
Editei com fundo rosa 🙂
Didi Hadid
Submission #2
Description: You see The interviewer. It weighs 9.50 oz. This microphone has interviewed the most famous people on Tibia lands. Awarded by BomDiaTibia.com.
Light: Yellow, 4 sqm
When used makes one of the sounds below:
"Have you seen Ferumbras? I need to interview him again!"
"Hail BomDiaTibia.com!"
"Who wants to be interviewed?"
"Hey you <player>, what's your favorite color?"
Edit: fundo rosa tb
Didi Hadid
Submission #3
Description: You see a birdie camera. It weighs 13.00 oz. You'll take professional photos with it, like the ones in the newspapers. It was awarded by BomDiaTibia.com.
When not activated:
When activated:
Light: White, 3 sqm.
When used the bird takes a photo and makes one of the sounds below:
"I'm the official photographer of BomDiaTibia.com."
"Say Cheeeese!"
"Hail BomDiaTibia.com!"
"Let's start the day with a beautiful photo, <player>."
Spritesheet (when not activated):
Spritesheet (when activated):
Didi Hadid
Submission #4
Description: You see a journal shield. It weighs 33.00 oz. Tibia's very first headline is written on it. Awarded by BomDiaTibia.com.
It's rewritable. You can only read the text if you stand within 2 squares of it.
Light: Yellow, 3 sqm.
Sounds when used:
"Hail BomDiaTibia.com!"
"Do you have any news to tell me, <player>?"
"Well I have one very old report for you. Old but gold!"
* Name of the item : Magic Clock
* Description : You see a Magic Clock. It weighs 15 oz. This Clock will wake up every sleepy. Awarded by BomDiaTibia.
* Should it do anything when you "use" it? : No
* it can be written on once : No
* it's rewritable : No
* it makes sounds and /or has small effects : "Wake Up ! ", "Wake up its a beautiful morning", "It's time for hunt !", "Hail BomDiaTibia!"
*should it glow in the dark, and if yes, in which color? : Yes, Purple (3sqm)
*should it be possible to carry it in one of the body slots? : No
Myth Mine Guardia
Hello Everyone / Olá a Todos!
We would like to thank you all, brave tibians who have donated some time to submit your piece. From now on topic is closed for submissions. Results should come out within 7 days. Thank you and good luck everyone!
Queridos tibianos, gostaríamos de agradecer o apoio de todos e pelo tempo que vocês dedicaram para elaborar um item que represente o BDT. Um grande obrigado em nome de toda a equipe. A partir de agora este tópico encontra-se fechado para novas submissões. Iremos analisar as entradas enviadas e os resultados deverão vir em 7 dias. Forte abraço!
Queridos Tibianos, é com muito prazer e muita felicidade que apresentamos nosso item oficial. Gostaríamos de agradecer a todos os participantes pela dedicação e criatividade.
Dear Tibians, it's a great pleasure and happiness that we present our official item. We would like to thank all participants for their dedication and creativity.
3º Lugar / #3 Place
Item name: Mr Pelvis
2º Lugar / #2 Place
Item name: Paperboy Doll
And the official ITEM (#1)
Item Name: Journal Shield
Descrição: You see a journal shield. It weighs 33.00 oz. Tibia's very first headline is written on it. Awarded by BomDiaTibia.com.
Didi Hadid: Please, we've sent an email with instructions!
YAY! So happy I won! I'll send the disclaimer now 🙂
Obrigada! And congratz to the other winners too!
Posted by: André Bombonato
Aeaeae que feliz! Nunca tinha feito nada em pixel, muito menos animado. Muito feliz com o segundo lugar!
Adorei participar, adorei descobrir que consigo fazer pixel art e adorei minha dollzinha, seria lindo se a Cip fizesse que nem com a nightmare doll e pedisse pra ele entrar no jogo mesmo em segundo hahahaha
Parabéns Didi! No momento que eu vi seu shield eu já pensei que se a Cip julgasse direito seria o vencedor! Quero ganhar um desses num contest futuro. Fico feliz de ver alguém que tá sempre engrandecendo a comunidade de eventos faturando essa! 😀
Edit: eu posso escolher a GRE ou é aleatório?
Obrigada André 🙂 E parabéns pelo seu paperboy doll, é muito lindo!
Posted by: MythyNob
Congratulations DiDi =) !
Thank you Myth! 😀
Posted by: André Bombonato
Aeaeae que feliz! Nunca tinha feito nada em pixel, muito menos animado. Muito feliz com o segundo lugar!
Adorei participar, adorei descobrir que consigo fazer pixel art e adorei minha dollzinha, seria lindo se a Cip fizesse que nem com a nightmare doll e pedisse pra ele entrar no jogo mesmo em segundo hahahaha
Parabéns Didi! No momento que eu vi seu shield eu já pensei que se a Cip julgasse direito seria o vencedor! Quero ganhar um desses num contest futuro. Fico feliz de ver alguém que tá sempre engrandecendo a comunidade de eventos faturando essa! 😀
Edit: eu posso escolher a GRE ou é aleatório?
Querido André, parabéns! Sua pixel art ficou muito boa! Você pode escolher a runa, inclusive por aqui mesmo.
© 2016 – 2025 BomDiaTibia.com – Todos os direitos reservados. Feito com ♥
Acesse o site oficial para download e mais informações.