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Contest - BomDiaTibia & TibiaWiki - Missão 1 / Mission 1 - Submissões / Submissões

21 Posts
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Data de Registro: 5 anos atrás
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1 - Golden prison key Golden Prison Key.gif + Escolher entre Journal Shield Journal Shield.gif e Epic Wisdom The Epic Wisdom.gif
2 - Silver prison keySilver Prison Key.gif+ Escolher entre vampire doll Vampire Doll.gif ou 30 dias de 
premium time Premium Scroll.gif (Patrocinado pela Cipsoft)
3 - Bronze prision keyBronze Prison Key.gif+ Prêmio que sobra do 2º lugar.


Para selar essa parceria, precisaremos de um grande guardião para proteger ambos os sites de invasores, e nada melhor do que aproveitar a nossa querida Páscoa e utilizarmos um temível e poderoso guardião coelho. Vocês deverão desenhar um coelho que tenha o conhecimento do Epic Wisdom do TibiaWiki e a proteção do Journal Shield do BomDiaTibia.

- Você deverá desenhar o coelho à mão em uma folha de papel;

- Será permitido o uso de canetas, lápis, giz de cera, lápis-de-cor, canetinhas, tintas, etc.;

- Computação gráfica não será aceito;

- O desenho deverá obrigatoriamente conter o epic wisdom e o journal shield;

- Outros itens, equips, enfeites serão aceitos;

- O desenho não pode apresentar conteúdo impróprio;

- Submissões que contenham plágio serão desqualificadas;



To seal this partnership, we will need a great guardian to protect both of sites, and nothing better than enjoy our beloved Easter and use a fearsome and powerful rabbit guardian. You must draw a rabbit who has knowledge of TibiaWiki's Epic Wisdom and the protection of BomDiaTibia's Journal Shield.

- You must draw the rabbit by hand on a sheet of paper;

- You can use pens, pencils, crayons, paints, etc .;

- Computer graphics will not be accepted;

- The drawing must contain epic wisdom and journal shield;

- Other items, equips, ornaments will be accepted;

- The drawing can not contain inappropriate content;

- Submissions containing plagiarism will be disqualified;


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Posts: 1

Zathroth the Destroyer summoned a Rabbit from other world do defeat and eat the Rabbit Guardian!

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Character: Alessa Crowley

World: Honbra

I had to lower the quality to be able to post it directly here, but i uploaded a few more close up pictures to imgur on this link:

- https://imgur.com/a/ohqySda

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personagem: Tudubom

mundo: celesta

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parai ba <3 


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Posts: 3

Lord Knight on Pacera - Gladera

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Data de Registro: 5 anos atrás
Posts: 4

Wow so many artistas congratulations to everyone, keep arting.
I just felt that i need to create a story for this character to get in the mood.
Hope you appreciate.

Character: Elderwind
World: Honbra

The Easter Guardian Hare's  tale

Once was there, a wanderer hare
No one knows where's he from
All he wants, to leave the praire
He didn't know what was to come

Years passed by, he met a friend
Adventures rises, and both become
Together ride, closers as one

Then darkness came, Hungry for power
the evil shame, the wizard frownsy strikes again
But there is not time, the evil wizard saw a shine
Didn't believe in what he seen, a giant rabbit and it was green

And that close friendship torn apart, were so happy it was like art
A kidnap he'd never see, thing the hare could never forgive
He searched, across empires for his friend he struggled
So much sorrow and pain, so much trouble

But a light he found, years of gloom are gone somehow
The ancient been, the Easter spirit hovered free-for-all
Shown the way, to love himself above it all

and the artifacts came,
the epic wisdom and journal shield
he barely knew how to yield
to him the evil bane

And now they're free, the wizard fortress he invade
all the guards undertake, rabbit's cell now are break
Wizard tried to take, but so much wisdom he could even spake

Now both roam free, in the happy praires with flower's blow
Upon the dusk, our wise guardian flown
waiting for the easter to come, if the world seeks for help
Feelings that no one ever felt.

By: me

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Data de Registro: 4 anos atrás
Posts: 3

Character: Anderxy

World: Peloria

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Char: Zos Io Pan

Server: Vunira

Eis que os poderosos Druids de Carlin, finalmente criaram um adversário à altura de Hugo!

Salve Bom Dia Tibia e Tibia Wiki!


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Char: Jio Godspell

Server: Gladera

Material usado: Folha Opalina A3, Lápis 2H, Copic Multiliner SP (0.3-0.5) e Cameleon Markers



Processo - Lapis vs versão final



parte do processo 


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Character: Kitsunny

Word: Talera

Processo Finalizado !

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Character: Moonluvie

World: Antica



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Char: Shujinko Knight
World : Lobera

o que aconteceria se um magico tirasse um coelhe de um 'Epic Wisdom '! este é o resultado:



Beowalf reacted
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Character: Dumon Von'terryer

World: Talera



Coelho escudero da Pascoa!

Beowalf reacted
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Character: Thor Raagnarok 

World: Olera 

Eu pido uma disculpa ai pra o pessoal se que vai olhar minha foto, mas Eu enviei pelo celular, porque eu tenho energía eléctrica agora em minha cidade obg bless thx


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