Missão 3: Nós precisamos de um jornal
A Rainha Eloise solicitou ao editor do Jornal BomDia News que imprimisse uma versão especial do seu jornal favorito. Além disso, a Rainha ainda pediu que ela mesmo estivesse na capa, pois queria guardar para si essa edição histórica de quatro anos do jornal. Nessa missão você terá que fazer um jornal chamado BomDia News e colocar a Rainha Eloise na capa. Claro, você não precisa fazer o jornal inteiro e sim a capa. Você é livre para desenhar, fazer colagens, etc.
O Jornal precisa ser postado fisicamente, não imagem de computador. Você até pode fazê-lo de forma digital mas terá que imprimí-lo para que seja fotografado fisicamente. Para parecer ainda mais real, você pode usar recortes de jornais verdadeiros ou mesmo desenhá-lo inteiramente.
#1 Lugar: Yellow Rose + Golden Trophy of Excellence
+ 30 dias exitlag
#2 Lugar: Heavy Medal + Silver Trophy of Excellence
+ 30 dias exitlag
#3 Lugar: Royal Medal + Bronze Trophy
+ 30 dias exitlag
Mission 3: We need a Newspaper
Queen eloise asked the newspaper's editors to print a special version with herself on the cover. Eloise wanted to keep this historical edition of the newspaper's birthday. In this mission you must use all your creativity to make this historic edition of the newspaper. Of course, it is not necessary to make the whole newspaper, but the cover. Every newspaper has its own elements: number, date, city, headlines, etc. So, don't forget the details. You can use newspaper clippings to give an even more real effect, or simply cut out papers and draw them.
The newspaper needs to be posted physically, not a computer image. You can even do it digitally but you will have to print it out in order to be photographed physically. To look even more real, you can use real newspaper clippings or even draw it entirely.
#1 Place: Yellow Rose + Golden Trophy of Excellence
+ 30 days exitlag
#2 Place: Heavy Medal + Silver Trophy of Excellence
+ 30 days exitlag
#3 Place: Royal Medal + Bronze Trophy
+ 30 days exitlag
Hydan Aymon - Nefera
Approved Submission / Submissão Aprovada
Super Amarelo
Bowser Haole - Javibra.
Para ficar mas característico a décadas do tíbia, tornei o papel mais antigo com banhos de café , espero que gostem da ideia.
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Super Amarelo
- This apply is correct, previous ones can be deleted. sorry for mistake, I can't edit it -
Name: Tynusiiaa
Server: Antica
my work was done sketch, then paint, then text in photoshop and at the end of the printout. I also made the set to look like a photo from the queen's chamber and her table
and create proccess and computer version 🙂
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Super Amarelo
Calira feywan
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Super Amarelo
Nome: Eldoratrok
Mundo: Belobra
Mais fotos: https://imgur.com/a/lRjOn9b
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Super Amarelo
Little Snail
You see a golden newspaper.It weighs 24.00 oz.
Tibia's most amazing news can be read in it. It was created to celebrate 4th Anniversary of Bomdia!
4th Anniversary of your favourite Newspaper!
This spring marks the 4th Anniversary of the BomDia- your favourite source of the Tibia News!
The Queen Eloise herself has joined the celebration and has choose this year anniversary to be Costume Party with the Theme “The Coronation of the Queen Eloise".
More Thrilling, The Queen Eloise has generously provided on this occasion the original painting of “Mona Eloisa”- the famous painting which never been shown to the public. The painting presenting young Eloise before her coronation is beyond doubt best portrait of our beautiful Queen. Along with "Mona Eloisa" exhibition at Carlin Castle, BomDia Team will bring together an unprecedented array of the dress, uniform and robes worn for the historic event of coronation Queen Eloise. Paintings recording the event, works of art and objects used on the day will be included to help recreate the atmosphere of that
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Super Amarelo
In Nhonho
Para melhor leitura das noticias, arquivo digital
Approved Submission / Submissão Aprovada
Super Amarelo
Name: Andthen Wedanced
World: Vunira
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Super Amarelo
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