Didi Hadid Lobera Comic_Halloween_BDT.png Submissão válida / Valid submission (3)Kankuro
Didi Hadid Lobera Criação: Final: Submissão válida / Valid submission (7) Super Amarelo
Char: Didi Hadid World: Lobera Espero que o King Tibianus se divirta rindo da desgraça alheia (no caso a minha) XD PS: Um pouco off topic, mas queri...
Posted by: MythyNob Congratulations DiDi =) ! Thank you Myth! 😀
Posted by: André Bombonato Aeaeae que feliz! Nunca tinha feito nada em pixel, muito menos animado. Muito feliz com o segundo lugar! Adorei participar...
YAY! So happy I won! I'll send the disclaimer now 🙂 Obrigada! And congratz to the other winners too!
Didi Hadid Zanera Submission #4 Description: You see a journal shield. It weighs 33.00 oz. Tibia's very first headline is written on it. Awarded by Bo...
Didi Hadid Zanera Submission #3 Description: You see a birdie camera. It weighs 13.00 oz. You'll take professional photos with it, like the ones in th...
Didi Hadid Zanera Submission #2 Description: You see The interviewer. It weighs 9.50 oz. This microphone has interviewed the most famous people on Tib...
Didi Hadid Zanera Submission #1 Description: You see a sunrise teddy. It weighs 25.00 oz. Awarded by BomDiaTibia.com to bring joy and news to your mo...
Hello, I see many people are posting the Disclaimer together with their submission. I understood it's not necessary unless the person wins the contest...
Posted by: Smuu nice entry Alepetew i liked it! just 1 doubt, you have there tousand news and rules says we can create only 5 at maximum.. "2.4 - You...
Character: Didi Hadid World: Zanera Feliz aniversário!! 😀 BDTNewspaper.png BDTNewspaper.png
Acabei de conferir e chegaram sim, hoje a tarde! Obrigada =)
Bom dia! Eu ainda não recebi as 50 Tibia Coins do 3° lugar, somente os outros 2 premios. Elas ainda vão ser enviadas? Obrigada, Didi Hadid